The Limited Times

Pet-friendly New Year's Eve: Six alternatives without fireworks

12/28/2023, 1:04:46 PM

Highlights: Pet-friendly New Year's Eve: Six alternatives without fireworks. At the beginning of 2023, more than 1,000 pets ran away at the turn of the year. Play soft and relaxing music in the background to mask the sounds of the fireworks. Board games, puzzles, and card games provide hours of outdoor entertainment without loud noises. A secluded stay in nature can be a relaxing alternative to the hustle and bustle of the city. For your children, child-friendly fireworks substitutes such as glow sticks or confetti cannons might make sense.

Status: 28.12.2023, 13:57 PM

By: Sandra Barbara Furtner

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Loud firecracker noise and nasty smell of burning frighten most dogs and cats on New Year's Eve. Here are five alternatives.

New Year's Eve is just around the corner, and while many people celebrate the festive turn of the year with fireworks and loud firecrackers, these loud noises can be a source of anxiety and stress for four-legged friends. At the beginning of 2023, more than 1,000 pets ran away at the turn of the year. To ensure that your New Year's Eve is harmonious for you and your animals, we have put together five alternatives to the traditional fireworks. Tips to help against anxiety can be found here.

Five New Year's Eve alternatives without fireworks

New Year's Eve is associated with a lot of stress for most animals. (Symbolic image) © Pond5 Images/Imago

1. Fairy lights and lanterns

Instead of loud firecrackers and rockets, you can decorate your garden or balcony with atmospheric fairy lights, lanterns and candles. This soft lighting creates a festive atmosphere and is less troubling for dogs or cats.

2. Music and Audiobooks

Music or audiobooks can have a calming effect on pets. Play soft and relaxing music in the background to mask the sounds of the fireworks. There are also special audiobooks and music for animals tailored to their needs.

3. Game night at home

Host a game night with friends and family in the comfort of your own home. Board games, puzzles, and card games provide hours of outdoor entertainment without loud noises. You could also have some sort of candle parade for yourself and your kids.

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4. New Year's Eve dinner with friends

Invite your friends and their dogs to a cozy New Year's Eve dinner at your home. Everyone can bring a dish, and the company of familiar animals can help your pet relax a bit.

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5. Fireworks replacement for children

For your children, child-friendly fireworks substitutes such as glow sticks or confetti cannons might make sense. These are less noisy and can still create a festive atmosphere. You can also throw up a flower confetti in the garden and scatter it.

6. New Year's Eve trip to a quiet area

If you have the opportunity, you could travel with your dog to a quieter area where there are fewer fireworks activities. A secluded stay in nature can be a relaxing alternative to the hustle and bustle of the city.

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