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Western powers on Iran: "Increasing the rate of production of enriched uranium - a significant danger" | Israel Hayom

12/28/2023, 9:52:55 PM

Highlights: Western powers on Iran: "Increasing the rate of production of enriched uranium - a significant danger" | Israel Hayom. The governments of the United States, France, Germany and Britain in a worrying joint statement after an IAEA report warning of a significant acceleration of Iran's nuclear program. "We condemn this trend, which adds to the escalation," it said. "There is no credible civilian justification for the process", the statement added. The rate of uranium enrichment now stands at up to 60%, close to the level of weapons, and Iran has returned to a rate of about 9 kg per month.

The governments of the United States, France, Germany and Britain in a worrying joint statement after an IAEA report warning of a significant acceleration of Iran's nuclear program • "We condemn this trend, which adds to the escalation," it said • "There is no credible civilian justification for the process"

After the IAEA report revealed an increase in Iran's enriched uranium production, the governments of the United States, France, Germany and Britain issued a joint statement Thursday evening condemning the disturbing trend. "The report emphasizes that Iran has increased the rate of production of enriched uranium up to 60% at Natanz and Fordow compared to levels observed between January and June 2023. These findings reflect a step back on Iran's part," the statement said. "This would triple the monthly production rate of enriched uranium to 60%."

"We condemn this action, which adds to the unabated escalation of Iran's nuclear program. Iran's production of highly enriched uranium has no credible civilian justification, and the reported production at the Fordow fuel enrichment plant and fuel enrichment plant carries significant risks related to distribution. We are also paying attention to Iran's decision to return to the same Cascade configuration as the one discovered by the IAEA at Fordow earlier this year.

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Iran's delay in announcing this change in January 2023 has raised serious doubts about Iran's willingness to cooperate with the IAEA in full transparency. These resolutions demonstrate Iran's lack of goodwill to de-escalate and represent reckless behavior in a tense regional context.

"We call on Iran to immediately reverse these steps and de-escalate its nuclear program. Iran must cooperate fully with the IAEA to allow it to provide assurances that its nuclear program is only peaceful, and reappoint the inspectors who were suspended in September 2023."

"We remain committed to a diplomatic solution and reaffirm our determination that Iran must never develop nuclear weapons," the statement added.

The Natanz nuclear facility, archive, photo: E. P

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reported on Tuesday that Iran had increased back the pace of uranium enrichment at the two nuclear facilities.

Reuters reports that the rate of uranium enrichment now stands at up to 60%, close to the level of weapons, and Iran has returned to a rate of about 9 kg per month from the reduced rate of 3 kg. "The Atomic Energy Intelligence Agency has confirmed that Iran has increased production of UF6 (uranium hexafluoride) enriched by up to 60% U-235 to about 9 kg per month since the end of November in these two facilities combined." The UN nuclear watchman said in a statement, referring to the Fordow nuclear enrichment facility, and the Natanz site.

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