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Safe New Year's Eve, tightened controls and forbidden barrels - News

12/29/2023, 4:14:29 PM

Highlights: From Milan to Palermo, the ordinances arrive, even a stop to glass. Fight against 'barrels', hangovers and glass bottles. 48 hours before New Year's Eve, the big cities, from north to south, are preparing for the stroke of midnight. Many mayors across Italy have already signed several 'New year's Eve ordinances' Prefects and law enforcement agencies are also on the lookout for the risk of terrorism. The Capitol is ready to deploy as many as 1,200 policemen in Rome alone.

From Milan to Palermo, the ordinances arrive, even a stop to glass (ANSA)

Fight against 'barrels', hangovers and glass bottles: 48 hours before New Year's Eve, the big cities, from north to south, are preparing for the stroke of midnight and to welcome, in complete safety, the new year. Many mayors across Italy have already signed several 'New Year's Eve ordinances'. Prefects and law enforcement agencies are also on the lookout for the risk of terrorism.

Lamberto Giannini speaks for everyone in Rome: "Surely the measures will be strengthened - he said today at the end of a Security Committee - There will be a great effort by the police. The international context is absolutely delicate and requires the utmost attention." And although "there are no particular situations that are reported, this does not mean that we are letting our guard down".

Keep your eyes open, then, so that everything takes place in the name of fun only. Rome will gather thousands of people at the Circus Maximus for the concert, and the Capitol is ready to deploy as many as 1,200 policemen for New Year's Eve alone. From the 31st until the Epiphany, then, the use of 'barrels' will be prohibited, which since 2012, throughout Italy, have caused over three thousand injuries and six deaths, according to the Italian Society of Environmental Medicine.

Florence also says no to firecrackers (until 7 a.m. on January 1) but also to the sale of glass bottles. Glass is also forbidden in Naples on the occasion of the concert in Piazza del Plebiscito; here, and in Via Caracciolo, firecrackers may not be introduced; Stop the sale of pepper spray. Remaining in Campania, Caserta has also banned glass drinks in the 'hottest' hours of New Year's Eve.

Crotone, in Piazza Pitagora, will host the Rai New Year's Eve 'The Year to Come' and the Municipality has set up parking lots, shuttles and giant screens to make it easier to reach the event.
Fireworks and firecrackers are also prohibited in Palermo, under penalty of a fine of up to 5000 euros.

Moving on to the north: in Milan from the afternoon of January 31 to 6 a.m. on January 1, the sale of alcohol within the trolleybus circle will be prohibited: those who want to toast the new year can do so in the clubs. In Turin, on the occasion of the concert in Piazza Castello, a red zone and a yellow zone will be delimited with prohibitions on the circulation of vehicles; eyes open from the Police Headquarters on the 'traveling party' organized by the Askatasuna social center. Staying in the north, in Trieste the party will be in Piazza Unità d'Italia, where glass bottles and alcoholic beverages will be off limits, but also umbrellas, folding seats, selfie sticks and stinging sprays; 'Barrels' are also forbidden in the rest of the city. Udine, on the other hand, will celebrate New Year's Eve with 'gentle fires', lights and colors with less sound impact; No more glass in Piazza Primo Maggio. In Venice, two police ordinances will make it possible to block car traffic in Piazzale Roma and to force pedestrians to walk through the one-way streets.

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