The Limited Times

VIDEO. Love, sport, money... What are your New Year's resolutions for 2024?

12/31/2023, 4:14:13 PM

Highlights: According to a survey conducted by the research institute Ipsos, the practice of regular physical activity or sport would be the most popular resolution for 34% of French people. When it comes to 2023 resolutions, 59% of respondents say they have kept at least one of the resolutions they made at the beginning of the year. The desire to spend more time with loved ones and to set aside moments of relaxation would also be popular. To find out the answers of children, teenagers and adults in Paris, watch our video at the top of the article.

Playing more sports, getting married or working better at school... Here are some good resolutions for Parisians or French-speaking tourists that n

Each new year brings its share of good resolutions. Getting back into sport, refocusing on yourself and your pleasures, quitting alcohol, checking in with your loved ones, eating more vegetables, saving money... We asked passers-by at the Halles de Châtelet (Paris IIe) about their New Year's resolutions. Some do, some don't.

According to a survey conducted by the research institute Ipsos, in partnership with the French Federation of Physical Education and Voluntary Gymnastics (FFEPGV), the practice of regular physical activity or sport would be the most popular resolution for 34% of French people. This is true regardless of the age or gender of the respondents.

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The desire to spend more time with loved ones and to set aside moments of relaxation would be the most popular resolutions for 23% of respondents.

When it comes to 2023 resolutions, 59% of respondents say they have kept at least one of the resolutions they made at the beginning of the year. That's 2% less than the 2022 survey of the year.

To find out the answers of children, teenagers and adults in Paris, watch our video at the top of our article.

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