The Limited Times

Balance of New Year's Eve 2023 in Madrid: more fires and more drunkenness, but less violence

1/1/2024, 11:34:38 AM

Highlights: Balance of New Year's Eve 2023 in Madrid: more fires and more drunkenness, but less violence. Emergencias Madrid highlights that in the capital the night has been "intense, but it has not left serious incidents" From midnight to nine o'clock in the morning on Monday 1st, 3,128 people have called 112, which represents an increase of 7% in the volume of calls compared to the previous year. Assaults (-1%), traffic accidents (-5%) and traffic offences (-37%) fell.

Emergencias Madrid highlights that in the capital the night has been "intense, but it has not left serious incidents"

New Year's Eve 2023 has been "relatively quiet" in the Community of Madrid, with "quite a lot of work on the part of the emergency services, but there have been much worse nights", according to a spokesperson for Emergencies 112, who in his balance highlights a slight decrease in aggressions and a "significant" increase in both fires, "but of little importance and in containers", as well as drunkenness. Traffic accidents and infractions have also fallen, which the spokesperson attributes to greater social awareness. In the capital, Emergencias Madrid highlights that the night has also "been intense, but without serious incidents".

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The three Spains eat the grapes

Thus, from midnight to nine o'clock in the morning on Monday 1st, 3,128 people have called 112, which represents an increase of 7% in the volume of calls compared to the previous year. The 112 has intervened in 182 brawls and aggressions, a drop of 1%. "In none of them have serious injuries been reported," the spokesperson stressed. Fires, on the other hand, have increased by 37% with a total of 98, as well as alcohol poisoning, which has been 28% more with a total of 183. "They are small fires, most of them in containers, which occur every New Year's Eve, but this year more so," says the spokesman, to emphasize that "all the alcohol poisonings have been mild." Traffic accidents have also fallen by 5% with 35 accidents, as well as traffic offences: there have been 37% less, 17 in total.

The most serious incident of the day, according to the 112 spokesperson, occurred before the period collected by the balance sheet and was a head-on collision between two cars, which occurred at nine o'clock at night at kilometre 1 of the M-300, at the height of the municipality of Arganda del Rey. with one dead and three seriously injured.

📊 Balance of #AñoNuevo. #Madrid112 handles 3,128 calls (+7%).

⬆️ Fires (+37%) and alcohol poisoning (+28%) are on the rise.

⬇️ Assaults (-1%), traffic accidents (-5%) and traffic offences (-37%) fell.

❤️ #Feliz2024

— 112 Comunidad de Madrid (@112cmadrid) January 1, 2024

Summa 112 confirmed the death of a middle-aged man, the driver of one of the cars, and stabilized and evacuated one very seriously injured and two seriously injured, all from the same vehicle. The injured are a 35-year-old woman with severe head trauma, who was transferred to 12 de Octubre in very serious condition, a 39-year-old man who had hip and pelvic fractures and was taken to La Paz in serious condition and another man, 30, who also had severe head trauma and who was evacuated to Gregorio Marañón. where he was admitted in serious condition. All the victims of the accident had to be rescued by firefighters.

In the capital, according to a spokeswoman for Emergencies Madrid, the night "has been intense for the emergency services, but fortunately it has not left any serious incidents". The chiming device "passed without incident, both the previous evacuation of the area and the one after the grapes". The Selur cleaning service has collected 31,100 kilos of waste in the Puerta del Sol, where 4,291 glasses were distributed. "At two o'clock in the morning they had already finished the cleaning of Sol with an operation of 32 mechanical means and 95 operators," the spokeswoman said.

The municipal firefighters have carried out 65 interventions from eight in the evening of the 31st until eight in the morning of this 1st, most of them, 42, for fires in containers "due to firecrackers" and rescues of people trapped in elevators in buildings. Emergencies Madrid regrets the burning of containers, "which is repeated every year".

The Samur, on the other hand, has carried out 255 interventions in the same 12 hours. "Nothing remarkable: 75 alcohol poisonings, 36 assaults, five drug poisonings, 49 falls and six traffic accidents," the spokeswoman said. None of them were serious, "except for an overdose that went into cardiorespiratory arrest, possibly caused by the consumption of toxic substances."

The Municipal Police has received 1,271 calls between 22:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., of which 319 have been noise incidents. The agents have carried out 122 inspections of nightlife venues and have proposed sanctions to 31 of them. In addition, they have carried out 82 breathalyzer tests, of which 11, one in eight, have been positive.

#Balance #Nochevieja2023
No serious incidents.

➡️ @BomberosMad 65 interventions. Container fires and elevator rescues.

➡️ @SAMUR_PC 255 interventions. 75 alcohol poisonings, 36 assaults.

➡️ @policiademadrid received 1,271 calls. 122 inspections of premises.

— Emergencias Madrid (@EmergenciasMad) January 1, 2024

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