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Just don't 'go to bed already': 25 positive things to say to children before bed | Israel Hayom

1/2/2024, 11:17:03 AM

Highlights: Use positive words to connect more deeply with your children before bed. Turning nighttime routine into a time for positive exchanges can set the stage for restful sleep and a stronger parent-child bond. The words we choose hold a great deal; The power to calm and instill a sense of love and security. Here are 25 positive phrases for a heartwarming nightly bedtime ritual that raises a smile: "I'm so glad I got to spend time with you today." "I love everything about you." "You are very special to me."

As parents, we often walk the tightrope of bedtime rituals, telling ourselves that we will need to be patient just a little longer, but also cherishing those precious moments with our children, moments that we will one day miss. With positive things you say, this ritual can be a golden opportunity to connect more deeply with our little ones. 25 options

Words have power. Using willingness with our children before bed not only helps them feel valued and understood, but also reinforces the idea of being noticed and cherished. Turning your nighttime routine into a time for positive exchanges can set the stage for restful sleep and a stronger parent-child bond. So, when you put your little ones to sleep at night, remember the magic of certain words and let them drift into dreamland with a heart full of love and confidence.

At the end of the day, literally, the words we choose hold a great deal; The power to calm and instill a sense of love and security. Here are 25 positive phrases for a heartwarming nightly bedtime ritual that raises a smile:

1. "I'm so glad I got to spend time with you today."
Remind children that their presence brings joy and happiness to your day.

2. "You are very special to me."
Make them feel unique and valued, and emphasize their importance in your life.

3. "I love hearing about your day."
Show genuine interest in their experiences, and let them know that their stories matter.

4. "I'm here for you, no matter what."
Offer unwavering support, and reassure them that you are a constant source of security.

5. "Your thoughts and feelings are important to me."
Validate their feelings and thoughts, and create a safe space for expression.

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6."You make me smile every day."
Share the joy they bring to your life, and highlight the positive impact they have on you.

7."I'm so proud of the effort you're making."
Recognize their efforts and perseverance, and encourage positive thinking.

8. "You have great ideas."
Foster creativity by appreciating their imaginative thoughts and concepts.

9. "I love everything about you."
Embrace every aspect of their uniqueness, and strengthen their self-acceptance.

10. "You can do amazing things."
Instill confidence in them by expressing faith in their abilities and potential.

11."You bring so much joy to our family."
Emphasize their role in creating a happy and harmonious family environment.

12. "You are great friends/brothers."
Recognize their positive relationships and their contribution to family dynamics.

13."Always remember, it's okay to make mistakes; That's how we learn."
Encourage a growth mindset by normalizing the learning process through mistakes.

14. "I'm so excited to see what you'll do tomorrow."
Instill anticipation and positivity for the future, and create an optimistic atmosphere.

15."I love our time together."
Cherish the moments they spent with them, and reinforce the value of quality time.

16. "You are very thoughtful children."
Recognize their kindness and consideration for others.

17."You have such a good heart."
Reinforce the importance of empathy and compassion.

18."I'm always here to listen to you."
Create open communication, and reassure them that their thoughts and concerns matter.

19."All your emotions matter."
Validate their feelings, and cultivate emotional intelligence and understanding.

20."You are strong and brave."
Build resilience by emphasizing their inner strength.

21."I say thank you every day."
Express gratitude for having them in your life.

22."You make every day special."
Emphasize the positive impact they bring to each day.

23."You are loved more than you can imagine."
Remind them of your boundless love for them.

24. "You can achieve any goal you set for yourself."
Empower them with the belief that they have the ability to achieve their goals.

25. "I look forward to another wonderful day with you tomorrow."
End the day on an optimistic note, and create anticipation for the days ahead.

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