The Limited Times

What will make me fall in love with Galit Distel? | Israel Hayom

1/2/2024, 1:45:56 PM

Highlights: MK Galit Distal Atabrian did well this week, taking responsibility for what came out of her mouth all over the past year. She admitted without cutting corners that her speech led directly to the October 7 massacre. This will be the event when I fall in love with her, to the end of my soul. It would be good if she resigned from the Knesset and from public life, otherwise her words would be empty. And until that happens, remember who invented the trend "whoever doesn't have something good to say – shut up"

And until that happens, remember who invented the trend "whoever doesn't have something good to say – shut up" • What will the critics now say about the Ali preparatory school, which sends brave fighters to the battlefront and pays a bloody price? • And what needs to happen in order for us to work ourselves in the construction industry?

Have you seen the wave of videos of fighters telling politicians and the media - if you don't have something unifying and unifying to say, just keep your mouth shut? Crazy trend. I am not one of the credit-takers. I'm always happy to start a positive wave and step aside, but here I feel like saying: This is me starting on Erez's and mine's night show, and from there it spread.

What is the meaning of this statement? Mouthplugging? Yes, absolutely. I'm all for it. Not permanently, of course, only during this war, and what will follow. So what will happen to the freedom of division? It will be taken away by pressure from below, from the people, from all the muzzle openers and the wrath-mongers. And no, that doesn't mean you shouldn't voice criticism, even harsh ones.

Permissible. Desirable. Obligatory. But the difference required is in language. Divisive language is an inclusive language, a blunt language, a mocking language, a diminishing language. It seems to me that we cannot bear this anymore than now, because the results of the polarizing discourse are clear to every eye, even if it is watching from the space station I recently placed on the moon.

MK Galit Distal Atabrian did well this week, taking responsibility for what came out of her mouth all over the past year. An extremely rare event. She admitted without cutting corners that her speech led directly to the October 7 massacre. She added that 100 people in the country were busy fanning and inciting. This is an underestimation in my opinion. This hundred is just the Knesset members and media people who gave their lives, minds, minds, consciences, judgments, cleanness of speech for the one whose name cannot be spoken, who never gives his life for anyone, only for himself. Where are all the tweeters, demonstrators, inciters to thousands? Everyone dipped their hands in the cauldron up to their elbows, and they seemed to be useful in something.

And now what? As I said and the fighters echoed, if your message is that we are not brothers, that we cannot find a middle way, that there is no covenant of destiny and destiny between us, it is sealed. Want to divide? Sail you to other realms. There is no patience for you and your speech. Seek mental help, look for someone who will love you, go jogging in the park and release negative energies through sweat pores. Don't add anything. Shut.

And about Distel-Atabrian. It would be good if she resigned from the Knesset and from public life, otherwise her words would be empty. And it would be good for her to publish the list of the hundred sinners who in her eyes brought about this situation. Best of all, she would admit that her love for the almighty leader was a fan's infatuation with a pop star who didn't pay attention to her, just sucked the sap of her bones and threw it to the dogs. This will be the event when I fall in love with her, to the end of my soul.


Of all the national-religious public institutions, the B'nai David Ma'ali preparatory school has so far paid the highest price since the outbreak of the war. 15 spaces at the moment of writing these words, and I wish not more. In general, we must salute the fighters of this sector, 40% of the casualties since the beginning of the attack on Gaza came from its ranks.

Ali Preparatory School has been the target of harsh criticism in recent years. The truth is, in the classes there were said things that are also difficult for my ear: talk against women, against secular people, against LGBTQ, in favor of applying Torah laws to the public sphere. I don't feel like it so much. Not at the moment. The preparatory school and some of its teachers are at the far right of the map, until support for Avi Maoz arrived. In the era of blind hatred that preceded this time, the preparatory school served as a red sheet in the eyes of leftists, and even centrists.

My husband "Bnei David" preparatory school, Photo: None

And here comes the war, and what turns out? That this extremist ideology produces the best and boldest fighters, the morals of the soul, the heroes and the saints. And the question arises - what now? Should people like Yair Nahorai, who writes scathing articles criticizing the preparatory school, ask for forgiveness? Should they repent? Does the preparatory school's blood donation prepare it to come to the audience of Israel? Because if not, the suspicion may arise that those who simultaneously mock and fear this educational institution are interested in the outcome of the study taught there – soldiers who are fierce and imbued with faith – but reject the right of the preparatory program to be part of the market of opinions in Israeli society. Does the blood paid give the right to adhere to the faith path, even if someone else condescendingly defines it as "Christianity"? And maybe every fallen person is himself a miniature messiah?

I visited Ali Preparatory School just before the war. I saw a place at the highest level, with students of considerable stature, learning what they wanted to learn. The preparatory program does not impose its opinion on them, they come from such homes, they themselves are like that, and they are educated in this spirit. Would I send my son there, if I had? If he had asked me, I would have said, 'No.' Two Match for my taste. But that's just my taste. I recognize the right of the educators of this institution to teach what they believe in, partly because in the end society accepts bold men who fight for it, even though it itself is not exactly built to their liking.

And along with all this, it must be said that values are separate and representatives are separate, and unfortunately this dear public sent to the Knesset and the government representatives who are not of its merit, who have done and are doing a lot of damage to the state and the people. May we merit that soon the good guys will also lose their lives in the corridors of the Knesset.


Have you ever seen the video of an Arab worker pouring water into the electrical panel of a new apartment and laughing at his wisdom? Who hasn't gone out? And this is disturbing, because our state has no choice but to allow thousands of workers from the territories to return to work here, among us, so that they can bring bread home. And mainly so that the construction industry does not completely crash in their absence.

Since October 7, there have been changes in the world. It became clear that most residents of Judea and Samaria supported the criminal acts, and Hamas' power only increased. It's not like all those who make a living here said, hey, we're grateful to the Jews who feed our children. Not. They said – we are happy about the massacre of them. In Rivne. And to these we again let in our house. Wasn't it enough what workers who worked in the kibbutzim did and directed the murderers? Is learning big on us? Can't we draw any conclusion at all?

The price of not employing Arab workers from the Occupied Territories is high. There will be a construction halt here for at least six months, until we organize for another people to build for us. The situation in the West Bank will deteriorate further, and it will be glorious joy. But as far as I'm concerned, after that shiva, there is no faith in any Arab worker. I make an exception here for those who speak against the bloodlust of their society and prove by their words and actions that they are human beings. I know a few of them, I would always bring them into my home. This requires in-depth research and trust, but in order not to reach the realms of racism, God forbid, it is important to say that not all of them.

Construction, nursing, agriculture and other fields are built on the wage gaps between here and there. There can be in China, the Philippines or Nablus. With the little we pay, someone lives well in some third world country. The deal is good for everyone, but it may be over. It is true that we can still find some innocent people who will come to build our homes and plow our fields, but as part of the re-preparation for life after the tragedy, we may also have to work ourselves. I saw a survey this week according to which only six percent of Jews are willing to think about switching to construction professions. That's not how you build a wall.

Building should become an attractive profession, in which the Hebrew worker will make money in a few years to establish his life. If the salary is good, and the safety is Swiss, and the conditions are good, and the atmosphere is pleasant, and there will also be a holiday gift, they will come to work. And this work, which will seem expensive, will end up cheap, because they will not direct forces, will not settle in violation of visas, and will not establish mixed families. And in the evening they will study and at the age of 30 they will change careers when they already have an apartment that they both built and bought. Everything needs to be rebuilt, this time with our own hands.

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