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If you answer 'yes' to these 5 questions, you're in a lifelong relationship | Israel Hayom

1/3/2024, 4:15:14 PM

Highlights: If you answer 'yes' to these 5 questions, you're in a lifelong relationship | Israel Hayom. A relationship that can last a lifetime requires more than love; It requires open communication, healthy intimacy, strong friendships outside the relationship, mutual respect and commitment to spending quality time together. Addressing these aspects can strengthen your relationship and prepare the ground for a wonderful relationship that will stand the test of time. Losing respect for your spouse can lead to contempt, a toxic emotion that can do any long-term damage.

How can you be sure that the person you are with is the one for life? It's a question that plagues many minds as they try to find their way in the complex world of relationships. However, fear not! By answering these 5 critical questions, you can gain valuable insights into the longevity of your relationship and find out if or not you are on your way to a lifetime of love

A relationship that can last a lifetime requires more than love; It requires open communication, healthy intimacy, strong friendships outside the relationship, mutual respect and commitment to spending quality time together. If you can check any of these slots, you're in the right place. And if you still feel there is room for improvement, don't worry. Addressing these aspects can strengthen your relationship and prepare the ground for a wonderful relationship that will stand the test of time.

Is the dialogue between you open and open?

Open communication is the basis of lasting love. Being able to communicate openly with your partner is a cornerstone of a healthy, long-term relationship. Can you express your desires, concerns, doubts, or objections without fear of judgment? Can you tell your partner when you don't like something he does? Or is seeing his mom every weekend more than you'd like? Or do you not like anchovies on your pizza? Or is that thing he likes to do in bed just a little bit of a lot for you? Good communication also has the opposite side – that someone must accept what is asked of them with an open heart. Not that you have to do whatever your partner wants, but always be willing to listen to them, acknowledge what they feel and discuss it. Honesty and active listening create a solid foundation for a partnership that can stand the test of time.

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Are you honest about intimacy?

Intimacy is unique for each couple. But when left unanswered, she can be the elephant in the room, harassing and jeopardizing the relationship. The key is to discuss things, especially before facing any challenges. Being open about your desires and preferences paves the way for a deeper, more established connection that can carry the ups and downs. Everyone's needs are different and when those differences become a problem, they need to be addressed. Unfortunately, even for the healthiest couples, intimacy issues can be difficult to discuss. But these problems are important to address. First it's best to start with what works, and only then with what doesn't. Talk to your partner about how you're feeling and figure out, together, how to make things work for both of you. Remember, people like to receive compliments, and this is a good point for further discussion.

Are your relationships outside of your relationship healthy?

For many couples, there are problems from the beginning when it comes to their relationships with their partner's family and friends in their own lives because of a mismatch. Having good relationships with friends and family on all sides can be tricky. Therefore, it is essential to address potential conflicts at an early stage. Unresolved problems with family and friends you didn't marry, but accepted, can erode a relationship. Take on the challenge together, find common ground, and build a bridge to ensure outside influences don't separate you. It's not that they're bad people, you're just not alike and probably wouldn't choose them as friends. Things won't change as time goes on. Your partner will continue to spend time with them, especially with family members, and will not necessarily replace them with your friends. But maybe they'll replace you.

Are social relationships outside of relationships good? Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, Photo: AP

Do you have mutual respect?

Love alone is not enough; Mutual respect is the glue that holds the relationship together. Losing respect for your spouse can lead to contempt, a toxic emotion that dooms any long-term commitment. They constantly made an effort to cultivate and maintain respect for each other, and to foster an environment where two people could support each other and grow together. How can you love someone but not respect them? There are those to whom this has happened. It happens that you love someone, but less like their impolite and embarrassing behavior in social situations, for example. From here, the road to contempt is short, and when one person in a relationship moves from respect to contempt, two things happen: the person who feels the contempt begins to look down on their partner, and the person on the side who is despised begins to feel bad about themselves. Both things cause a relationship to fade. Only with mutual respect can a relationship flourish and last a lifetime.

Do you enjoytime together?

Quality time is the beating heart of any relationship. Spending quality time together is a litmus test for the health of your relationship. If excuses to avoid each other become the norm, it's time to ask yourself why this is happening. Disconnection can lead to consequences you didn't intend. Actively look for ways to reconnect and spend time nurturing the connection that keeps your relationship vibrant and alive. Do you and your spouse make an effort to spend time together? Or do you make excuses not to do so? Whoever invents every excuse in the world not to spend time with his spouse, goes out alone and returns late so as not to deal with complaints and questions, gradually disconnects from any healthy relationship. It won't end well, as you can imagine.

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