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"The principle is simple - either enemy or civilian": Is the security establishment on its way to deporting hundreds of terrorists? | Israel Hayom

1/4/2024, 7:46:21 AM

Highlights: "The principle is simple - either enemy or civilian": Is the security establishment on its way to deporting hundreds of terrorists? | Israel Hayom. Ministers Amit Halevy and Ofir Katz presented Interior Minister Moshe Arbel with a report prepared by the defense establishment, with names and information on about 450 terrorists with Israeli citizenship who receive salaries from the Palestinian Authority. The report is expected to enable the defense. establishment to implement the Deportation of Terrorists Law. Anyone who receives salaries from. the PA as a result of terrorist acts will be deported to it.

Ministers Amit Halevy and Ofir Katz presented Interior Minister Moshe Arbel with a report prepared by the defense establishment, with names and information on about 450 terrorists with Israeli citizenship who receive salaries from the Palestinian Authority • The goal: Anyone who receives salaries from the PA as a result of terrorist acts will be deported to it

In recent days, a report was submitted to Interior Minister Moshe Arbel containing comprehensive information on 450 released terrorists, Israeli citizens who received and are receiving salaries from the Palestinian Authority. The report, which was submitted following the enactment of the Deportation of Terrorists Law, is expected to enable the defense establishment to implement the law submitted by MKs Amit Halevy and Ofir Katz, according to which anyone who receives salaries from the PA as a result of terrorist acts will be deported to it.

MK Amit Halevy told Israel Hayom this morning that the submission of the report is "a green light for the implementation of the law and the revocation of citizenship and the deportation of hundreds of terrorists. The principle is simple and clear – either a citizen of the state or an enemy of the state."

"It is inconceivable that a person is a citizen or resident of the state and violates the most basic layer of the contract with the state and is an accomplice to terrorism and harm to the state," the Knesset member added. "This law to revoke citizenship and deport citizens or residents who have committed terrorist acts was passed under the leadership of Coalition Chairman Ofir Katz about a year ago. This week, the information that enables its implementation arrived. Anyone who receives funding from the Mukataa will be thrown into the Mukataa. His citizenship or residency will be revoked and he will stop receiving the basket of rights and money he received from the taxes of the citizens of Israel whom he murdered or wounded."

MK Amit Halevi, Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Yesterday, Halevy passed on the information about the report prepared by the defense establishment to Interior Minister Moshe Arbel, who is responsible for revocation of citizenship. Halevy said that he expects Arbel to act without delay to implement the law and revoke the citizenship of hundreds of terrorists listed in the report, which will lead to their deportation from Israel to the Palestinian Authority, which transfers salaries to them for acts of terror they carried out against Israelis.

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