The Limited Times

7 beastly New Year's resolutions that are easy to implement

1/4/2024, 5:04:13 AM

Highlights: 7 beastly New Year's resolutions that are easy to implement. 7 animal-friendly New Year’s resolutions. If you want to do something good for yourself and the animals, you will find ideas here that are hard to implement but good for you and your pet. You can find even more exciting animal topics in's free partner newsletter, which you can subscribe to right here. The editor wrote this article and then used an AI language model to optimize at her own discretion. Learn more about our AI principles here.

Status: 04.01.2024, 05:45 a.m.

By: Sandra Barbara Furtner

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Many make New Year's resolutions. If you want to do something good for yourself and the animals, you will find ideas here that are easy to implement.

The new year is a good time to set new goals or change a few habits. Why not consider pet-friendly New Year's resolutions as well? Here are seven animal-friendly New Year's resolutions.

1. More time for joint activities

Simply involve your four-legged friend in your good intentions. (Symbolic image) © Pond5 Images/Imago

Spend more time with your four-legged friend and dedicate yourself to joint activities. Play more often in the park, go on longer walks, try out new games and tricks or take an exciting course at the dog school. This time together strengthens the bond between you and your dog.

2. Support an animal shelter or animal welfare

Think about how you can help animal shelters or animal welfare organizations. Whether it's through donations, volunteer work, or adopting an animal from the shelter, your contribution can save lives.

3. Opt for local products

Make sure you eat a healthy diet for yourself and your pet. Fresh fruit and vegetables from the region are not only healthy, but also support the local economy and reduce the environmental impact of long transport routes. You could also cook or bake something for your dog yourself.

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4. Use cruelty-free cosmetics

Animal testing in the cosmetics industry is still a common practice. Every day, countless mice, rabbits and other animals suffer in laboratories just so that we can use shower gel, makeup and cleanser. But more and more people are starting to rethink their purchasing decisions. They are looking for alternatives that are not only good for their skin, but also for their conscience. For example, a list of Peta is helpful.

You can find even more exciting animal topics in's free partner newsletter, which you can subscribe to right here.

5. Regular vet visits

Set a goal to schedule regular vet visits for your pet. Preventive check-ups are important to detect diseases early and maintain your pet's health.

6. Capture your favorite moments

Just a moment ago he was a puppy, now he is a full-grown four-legged friend. Time with a dog goes by incredibly fast. A particularly nice resolution is to enjoy every moment and capture the special moments in a picture. For example, take a new photo of yourself and your pet every month – this way you will have a wonderful collection at the end of the year.

7. Full attention

Give your four-legged friend your full attention during a walk and simply leave your smartphone in your pocket.

The editor wrote this article and then used an AI language model to optimize at her own discretion. All information has been carefully verified. Learn more about our AI principles here.

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