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After Ninety Days - The Great Noise Returns | Israel Hayom

1/4/2024, 9:14:57 PM

Highlights: After Ninety Days - The Great Noise Returns | Israel Hayom. While we are fighting in the Gaza Strip - it seems that there are those who have learned nothing. A tank brigade will influence what happens here - more than the law of incapacitation. How is it possible that there have already returned to quarrel and slander, to hate each other as if there is no Hamas and Hezbollah? In the meantime, a good word comes to the PR activists who, since October 7, have been exposing the truth.

While we are fighting in the Gaza Strip - it seems that there are those who have learned nothing • A tank brigade will influence what happens here - more than the law of incapacitation • How is it possible that there are those who have already returned to quarrel and slander, to hate each other as if there is no Hamas and Hezbollah? In the meantime, a good word comes to the PR activists who, since October 7, have been exposing the truth about what is happening here

It's unbelievable, but once again we have to remind the people of Israel what happened here 90 days ago. The public debate over the grounds of reasonableness and the law of incapacitation is so disconnected that sometimes it seems like a different country.

In Gaza, I didn't meet anyone who was involved in the debate over the High Court decision, Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Office

We are fighting in the Gaza Strip, all of us. They shed blood, lose friends and are far from home for the sake of the homeland. This has nothing to do with what caused some of the disconnected group to cry out this week. No one in the reserve and regular army fought because of a political move or legal reform. I'm willing to commit to it. Any other campaign is a complete lie by people who care more about politics than the state. We are all here because of the need to defend the homeland, to protect the communities in the south and north, and mainly to restore the security that was damaged.

The lives of the servants have changed beyond recognition. This week in the envelope, photo: Yossi Zeliger

The law of incapacitation will not affect any citizen of the State of Israel, it is nothing. A big zero within our history and future. It is simply incomprehensible to me that there are people in Israel who are convinced that he is significant to the point of taking to the streets to oppose, or on the other hand - to celebrate and mock his disqualification.

On the same day that it became known that the incapacitation law had been rejected, we were informed of the fall of the soldiers, Staff Sergeant Meron Moshe Gersh and Staff Sergeant Sufian Emphasis from Combat Engineering. It's world-shaking, it's supposed to tear your heart out. Unfortunately, we sustained several wounded during this time. In the hospitals, I have some new and old friends who are dealing with injuries, the challenge of moving my arm or dealing with the loss of a leg.

IDF soldiers during the fighting in Gaza, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

That's what matters absolutely. A new tank brigade will affect what happens here a million times more than the law of incapacitation. The elimination of senior Hamas figures is significant. How is anyone convinced that two laws struck down by the High Court of Justice will change our lives? That there would be something in his life? How could this disconnect be possible? No one fights for the party or any particular politician. Fighting for the country. This is the only reason that there is all the people of Israel here. Leftists and rightists, religious, secular and Druze. This is the main reason why we will not allow what was is what will be.

The truth is incredibly clear, reinforcing. It is also the only solution to the complicated reality we will face in the coming year. We are fighting because Israel must exist, because when we dealt with nonsense – including what is changed and how much is changed in which committee to select judges, in the law of incapacitation – we disconnected from the base. We weakened ourselves with our own hands, until the enemy recognized and decided to seize the opportunity.

IDF activity in the Gaza Strip, photo: IDF Spokesperson

I know that most of the Israeli public feels it, I see it every day. When leaving Gaza, there are still civilians who donate time and money to strengthen the soldiers. 90 days are still there. So, of course, the reservists who are beginning to be discharged. Still, the loud noise is deafening every time you switch your phone from airplane mode to reception. The noise that is a public debate is full of hatred about nothing. After three months since one of the worst disasters we've ever had, some people have a desire to return to that miserable spot. Tear us apart from within.

Unfortunately, this is what resonates in many of the media and social networks. "Opinion influencers" who work in the service of the national weakening movement. Why? Because in what historical distortion the invalidation of the law of incapacitation or reasonableness is more important to them than anything else.

The soldiers who are not interested in the "very important" debate

The day after the court decisions, the day before, practically all week, I didn't meet anyone in Gaza who was interested in the "very important" debate over the court's decision. I met a lot of forces and reservists who talked about the fallen, about the missions ahead, about what awaits the residents of the north and about the reserves that have become home. I met war comrades who discussed the elimination in Lebanon, the amount of fire required, and many conversations about how difficult it would be to come back from such a significant period.

IDF activity in the Gaza Strip, photo: IDF Spokesperson

The lives of all servants have changed beyond recognition. How is it possible that there are people walking around Israel who have learned nothing? How is it possible that everything is already over their heads, that they have already returned to fighting and slandering, hating each other as if there is no Hamas and Hezbollah? How do they not care about the multitude of Israelis who give their lives for them?

There is now a campaign by reservists I don't know, about the fact that if they don't speak unity, keep their mouths shut. They appeal to politicians and media people - the influencers. They are absolutely right, and let it be clear that this does not come out of innocence or a desire for respectful and polite dialogue, but out of a strategic understanding of how to win wars.

Good corner

Today's advocacy is based on civic initiatives. In contrast to the military front, in which the state has a monopoly on power, it is precisely in the war on the Internet and against anti-Semites and Israel-haters around the world that civilians have the greatest power. Thirteen years ago, I served as head of the public relations department. My conclusion was that you can't explain what you don't know. Like when the government is not closed on itself and does not know what its position is regarding the West Bank, Turkey, Hamas. This war changed everything. The truth is clear not only about what is happening at home, but also about the enemy and the blacklist of terror supporters around the world and who is with us.

Ella Keinan, one of the founders of the information room that fixed the equation according to which "Hamas is ISIS," photo: uncredited

On October 8, the day after Black Saturday, Ella Keinan, a travel blogger, decided to set up an information room. She teamed up with Danny Buller (who gave lessons on TikTok), Danel Ben Nimr, and my dear friend Guy Gutman. Ofer Yanai donated, and together they began to conduct civil advocacy. The result is gaining exposure of hundreds of millions around the world, cementing the equation "Hamas is ISIS," criticism of foreign media networks that have distorted coverage of Israel, and damaging the ranking, distribution and profits of extremist anti-Israel podcasts.

The idea of the information room was to recruit tens of thousands of citizens to the campaign for public opinion and to operate them in a coordinated manner through Telegram groups and through the networks themselves. They are not alone, there are others who work in Israel and in Jewish organizations. The most prominent of them are: Noa Tishbi, Yosef Haddad and several other network stars, who simply enlisted without asking questions. They are part of Order 8, who understood that if they did not lead in wartime, no one else would. Congratulations!

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