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Arab rioters vandalize the altar of Joshua on Mount Ebal | Israel Hayom

1/4/2024, 7:24:37 AM

Highlights: Arab rioters vandalize the altar of Joshua on Mount Ebal. "The incident - a direct result of the lack of a Jewish presence in the area" Forum announced today that this Friday they will hold a Vatican prayer in area of the site to increase the Jewish presence on the Mount. The Forum unveiled plans on behalf of the Palestinian Authority to build a residential building on the site of the Altar of Joshua itself, which would destroy the remains and prevent Jewish access to the heritage site. If you find a mistake in the article, please share with us!

Under cover of security tensions in the area: rioters burned tires on the historic site and sprayed PLO flags on the stones of the altar • According to members of the "Struggle for Every Dunam" forum, the altar has experienced several recent attempts at damage: "The incident - a direct result of the lack of a Jewish presence in the area"

Activists from the "Struggle for Every Dunam" forum who toured the site of the Altar of Joshua on Mount Ebel discovered that in recent days the altar was vandalized by Arab rioters from nearby villages who burned tires on the historical remains and sprayed Palestinian flags and Arabic inscriptions on the stones of the altar.

In the past two years, the Altar of Joshua has experienced several attempts at damage by Arabs in the region, some of which even damaged the site wall irreversibly.

About a year ago, the Forum unveiled plans on behalf of the Palestinian Authority to build a residential neighborhood on the site of the Altar of Joshua itself, which would destroy the archaeological remains and prevent Jewish access to the heritage site.

The vandalism site on Mount Ibal,

Following the destruction of the altar, the Forum announced today that this Friday they will hold a Vatican prayer in the area of the site to increase the Jewish presence on the Mount, in memory of Captain Harel Sharvit, who fell in the Gaza Strip and was one of the prominent activists for the establishment of Jewish settlement there.

The forum Struggle for Every Dunam responded to the destruction of the altar: "The serious incident that took place this week is a direct result of the lack of Jewish presence on the ridge. Since the Civil Administration decided to evacuate the Jewish agricultural farm on the Mount three years ago, we have witnessed a series of incidents of damage to the altar site, a massive takeover by the PA and the establishment of irreversible facts on the ground."

"Today it is clearer than ever that only a permanent Jewish presence on the Mount in the form of an agricultural farm or permanent settlement will ensure Israeli control of the site, and prevent destruction and damage to the altar. The right-wing government, which in the past spoke out strongly against the damage to the site, must order the establishment of a settlement point on the Mount today, otherwise any Arab attack or occupation of the site will be registered in its name for eternal depression."

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