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Smotrich and Lankri agreed on the assistance plan for Eilat - how much will a plane ticket cost for residents? | Israel Hayom

1/4/2024, 8:04:34 PM

Highlights: Smotrich and Lankri agreed on the assistance plan for Eilat - how much will a plane ticket cost for residents? | Israel Hayom. Smotrich: "Eilat is dear to my heart and is going through difficult challenges alongside hosting the residents of the envelope and the south" • Lankri: "Great news for all residents". Up to 40% discount on flights from Ramon Field to Ben Gurion and vice versa. The bill for the "settlement of evacuees" outline will be placed on the Knesset table this week.

The Minister of Finance met with the mayor of Eilat and agreed with him on a basket of steps for the benefit of the city and its residents • As part of the basket, it was agreed: an extension of the outline of assistance to businesses, subsidizing flights for residents and a comprehensive package to encourage tourism in the amount of NIS 50 million • Smotrich: "Eilat is dear to my heart and is going through difficult challenges alongside hosting the residents of the envelope and the south" • Lankri: "Great news for all residents"

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich met today (Thursday) with Eilat Mayor Eli Lankri and concluded with him the basket of steps for the city of Eilat and its residents in connection with the damage caused by the war.

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As part of the benefits basket, the following steps were agreed: extending the outline of assistance to businesses in Eilat to January and February, subsidizing flights for Eilat residents similar to travel by public transportation, and a comprehensive package to encourage tourism in the city in the amount of NIS 50 million.

Up to 40% discount

According to sources in the Ministry of Finance, the intention is to subsidize flight prices for Eilat residents, so that they will cost between NIS 79-99 from Ramon Field to Ben Gurion and vice versa. This is a discount of between 25-40%.

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said: "The city of Eilat has been dear to my heart since my first day in politics. The city, which is based mainly on tourism, is undergoing difficult challenges during this period, alongside generous and wide hospitality by residents of the envelope and the south in its hotels."

"The mayor and I agreed today on a broad and significant series of steps that will help the city, its residents and business owners get through this period and continue to flourish and develop the city of Eilat for many years to come. I thank my friend Mayor Eli Lankri for his cooperation."

Great news for businesses in Eilat

Eilat Mayor Eli Lankri said: "Today we bring great news to businesses in Eilat and to the residents of the city, who will help get through the crisis that the city is going through as a result of the war, as well as great news for all residents of the city in determining the price of a domestic flight for the first time as public transportation."

Finance Committee. Deals at the 90th minute, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

"I thank the Minister of Finance for his understanding of the city's uniqueness and the challenges it faces, and for his support of the city of Eilat at this special time."

Finance Committee Chairman MK Moshe Gafni also spoke with the mayor of Eilat a short time ago. Magfni said, "The mayor thanked the MK for the struggle he waged in the Finance Committee on behalf of the city of Eilat and wished to thank on his behalf all the members of the committee, who held discussions on the issue and signed the law in favor of a compensation outline unique to the city."

Gafni said that earlier this week he had discussed the matter with Smotrich and that he was pleased that the mayor had reached an agreement with him on the unique status of the city.

At the same time, the bill for the "settlement of evacuees" outline, signed by members of the Finance Committee, will be placed on the Knesset table this week and will be advanced in accordance with the summaries of the Minister of Finance and the Mayor, for the benefit of residents and businesses in the city of Eilat.

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