The Limited Times

The burglars came at Christmas

1/4/2024, 6:35:34 AM

Highlights: The burglars came at Christmas. The perpetrators forcibly entered the sales room of the bakery Vor Ort in Martinsried's Röntgenstraße. The ATMs are built like a safe, but the perpetrators used "brute force" – and had a lot of time, according to the bakery's co-managing director. Josef Hrasky estimates the repair costs of the three machines at up to 40,000 euros. The aggrieved family now hopes that the insurance company will pay for at least part of the property damage.

Status: 04.01.2024, 07:29 a.m.

By: Martin Schullerus

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Five years ago, the Martinsried on-site branch was opened. © On site

It was a very unpleasant Christmas surprise that the Hrasky family from Neuried had to experience: One or more perpetrators forcibly entered the Martinsried branch of the local bakery, which belongs to the Hraskys, stole a large sum of cash and destroyed three ATMs. Property damage: up to 40,000 euros.

Martinsried – Josef Hrasky, co-managing director of the local bakery, only received permission from the police on Wednesday to speak publicly about the burglary. Until then, silence was maintained so as not to jeopardize the investigation. Because there is some evidence about the crime that the perpetrator or perpetrators acted so purposefully, as if they knew exactly what to expect and what to do when they went on a burglary spree over Christmas.

In the night of 25 to 26 December, between 23 p.m. and 4 a.m., the perpetrators forcibly entered the sales room of the bakery Vor Ort in Martinsried's Röntgenstraße. How exactly, Josef Hrasky does not want to say anything in the Merkur interview. There are four modern vending machines under the counter where customers can make contactless payments with cash. You insert the bills and get the rest out. Three of these modules, which contain change banknotes, were broken out by the perpetrators with brute force and taken away along with the money. Josef Hrasky: "It's a painfully high sum, the Christmas revenue." The ATMs are built like a safe, but the perpetrators used "brute force" – and had a lot of time, according to Hrasky. On the night of Boxing Day, there must have been very little movement in Martinsried.

Three modules like this were taken by the perpetrators along with the money they contained. Anyone who finds such a metal part should report to the local bakery. © On site

In addition to the Christmas revenues, which fell victim to the thieves, there is a high level of property damage. Josef Hrasky estimates the repair costs of the three machines at up to 40,000 euros.

The Criminal Investigation Department secured traces, including fingerprints, and began investigations. The fact that the officials have now given the go-ahead for publication is not exactly an encouraging sign for the aggrieved entrepreneurial family. Among other things, she is now turning to the public herself on Facebook and asking for help. "We are grateful for every tip," says Josef Hrasky. First, it could be that someone noticed something in the immediate vicinity of the bakery on the night of the crime that made new sense in the light of the burglary. Second, Josef Hrasky asks to evaluate any recordings from cameras – even non-official ones. "There certainly weren't many cars on the road." However, there are many possible escape routes – in the direction of Planegg, Großhadern or the centre of Martinsried.

And finally, the perpetrators must have disposed of the three massive machine modules after pulling the banknotes from the metal rolls. These modules are eye-catching, large, specific. "Maybe someone will notice them, whether at the recycling center or elsewhere," says Josef Hrasky. The site of the discovery could provide further clues – not to mention forensic traces on the metal.

The aggrieved family now hopes that the insurance company will pay for at least part of the property damage. But in the time between the years and the turn of the year, neither insurance companies nor craftsmen are particularly easy to reach. At least the Martinsried branch of the bakery is now open again. Because one of the four machines was spared by the perpetrators; it works and is available for contactless payments. Josef Hrasky: "We do the rest via debit card."

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