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The Israeli Spirit: Despite All the Difficulties - Citizens Want to Move to the Envelope | Israel Hayom

1/4/2024, 3:54:24 AM

Highlights: The Israeli Spirit: Despite All the Difficulties - Citizens Want to Move to the Envelope | Israel Hayom. The state places restrictions on gatherings in the area surrounding the Gaza Strip. The civilian infrastructure is not operating as usual, and the state will be required to update the security components of the communities. Despite all this and all the uncertainty - absorption coordinators in the kibbutzim are flooded with requests from citizens who wish to move to the western Negev.

The state places restrictions on gatherings in the area surrounding the Gaza Strip • The civilian infrastructure is not operating as usual, and the state will be required to update the security components of the communities in the area • Despite all this and all the uncertainty - absorption coordinators in the kibbutzim are flooded with requests from citizens who wish to move to the western Negev

After October 7, the government succeeded in creating a holistic absorption package and economic compensation for the residents of the Gaza envelope who were evacuated to hotels throughout the country.

"People turn without knowing what will happen in the future", Kibbutz Nir Am before the war, photo: uncredited

The municipalities established local responses, the Ministry of Education opened schools and kindergartens, the National Insurance Institute sent representatives to the centers, and the clinics opened centers for the benefit of tens of thousands who were sent from their homes for an unknown period. However, the residents' return to their homes is still shrouded in a fog of battle – on the one hand, the government is calling on them to return to their homes, but is not preparing for their absorption on the other.

Kibbutz Be'eri (archive), photo: Yossi Zeliger

The updated Home Front Command guidelines in the envelope area allow gatherings of up to 4 people in closed places, meaning that educational frameworks cannot be opened. The Ministry of Education itself is also preparing for the return of frameworks to cities and towns only at the end of February. It is not for nothing that this week the mayor of Sderot called the decision to allow residents of the envelope 7-<> kilometers away "delusional."

Evacuees from the surrounding communities in Kibbutz Tzuba, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Among other things, the state will be required to update and organize the local security components throughout the envelope, allow large gatherings and open educational frameworks. In addition, there is also a need to address and respond to businesses that have closed in recent months and will need to respond again, alongside government services in cities and localities that have transferred the service center to hotels. Only then will the financial grant be a catalyst for the return of the residents. The return to empty settlements does not succeed in tempting the vast majority, which now prefers to stay in hotels, away from the echoes of the explosions.

Rush to the Gaza envelope

Requests to come and live in the Israeli envelope are breaking records, despite the uncertainty regarding the return to communities and the return of the education, health and service systems to residents. The absorption coordinators are overwhelmed and their message now, despite the encouraging messages, is patience.

Factories near the Gaza Strip that have resumed operations, photo: Yossi Zeliger

"It's very, very early yet," Nadav Peretz told Israel Hayom. Peretz, who is responsible for absorbing the residents of Nahal Oz, adds: "I am also flooded with inquiries, I receive at least five calls every week, to phone, email, personal inquiries about absorption in the envelope and Nahal Oz. Yes, even though we are fenced, people ask to come, turn to us individually and say, 'Remember us, we will be happy to come at the right time and time.'"

Agricultural crops near the Gaza Strip (archive), photo: Etiel Zion

The situation is similar in Kibbutz Nir Am, near the city of Sderot. It is important to note that this kibbutz is in high demand in routine due to its ideal location. The train is within walking distance, and the city of Sderot, located nearby, allows you to buy equipment, food, etc. at reasonable prices and without a long journey.

Elderly people from the Gaza envelope in a hotel at the Dead Sea, photo: Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Security

The absorption coordinator, Dolev Azoulay, shares with us the inquiries: "People apply without knowing what will happen in the future, most of them are not from the area, but there are also from the city of Sderot. The waiting list for us is very long. People also asked if there were places to rent, which is very surprising. We tell them we're not on the kibbutz and that we can't even send an appraiser. There are now three families in the process of being hired, and I can't send an appraiser, and even at the moment the appraisers don't know how to estimate the value of those who enter. This is a very problematic matter. There have been inquiries in recent weeks, our kibbutz is very much in demand, and yet it's surprising."

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