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Tomorrow's storm: Cartoon in Yated Ne'eman shows the High Court of Justice bombing the Knesset | Israel Hayom

1/4/2024, 9:54:36 PM

Highlights: Tomorrow's storm: Cartoon in Yated Ne'eman shows the High Court of Justice bombing the Knesset | Israel Hayom. A new cartoon to be published in the Degel HaTorah party newspaper shows a picture showing a Supreme Court justice bombing theKnesset building. Party Chairman Moshe Gafni: "No one appointed the justices of the Supreme Court to run the country" The cartoon in question comes after the national-religious weekly Shevi'i published a cartoon showing former Supreme Court President Esther Hayut sticking a flag into a soldier's back.

A new cartoon to be published in the Degel HaTorah party newspaper shows a picture showing a Supreme Court justice bombing the Knesset building • Party Chairman Moshe Gafni referred to the High Court ruling on the law of incapacitation: "No one appointed the justices of the Supreme Court to run the country"

A new cartoon by illustrator Yoni Gerstein, which will be published tomorrow in the organ of the Flag of the Torah party, Yated Ne'eman, presents a picture showing a High Court judge in a military plane bombing the Knesset.

Supreme Court President Esther Hayut's Unprecedented Attack on the Government (Archive) // Shmuel Buchris

Chairman of the ultra-Orthodox Degel HaTorah party, Moshe Gafni, referred to the High Court ruling on the issue of the law of incapacitation, saying that "the Gemara says, 'There is no quorum for the public unless we reign in public.' No one appointed the justices of the Supreme Court to run the country, and they don't understand it either. It is appropriate, in times of war, to overcome the disagreements in the public and within the court and unite on non-controversial issues."

The cartoon of President Hayut by illustrator Or Reichert, photo: from the print edition of the seventh newspaper

The cartoon in question comes after the national-religious weekly Shevi'i published a cartoon showing former Supreme Court President Esther Hayut sticking a flag into a soldier's back.

The cartoon, which shows Esther Hayut sticking a court flag in the back of the soldier, who was apparently killed, was published on the Twitter page of illustrator Or Reichert, and also appeared in the digital edition of the weekly, which will be published tomorrow in its printed version. Following the publication of the cartoon, the legal advisor of the court administration, Adv. Barak Leiser, contacted the weekly following the publication in the media and demanded that its managers take action to remove it from all media.

The head of the Israel Bar Association, Adv. Amit Bahar, also asked Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara to open a criminal investigation for incitement and sedition.

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