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Gantz: "Netanyahu must choose between unity and security, and politics"; Likud: "Looking for excuses to leave the government" | Israel Hayom

1/5/2024, 2:35:20 PM

Highlights: Gantz: "Netanyahu must choose between unity and security, and politics"; Likud: "Looking for excuses to leave the government" After the stormy cabinet debate that ended in discordant tones following attacks on the chief of staff by government ministers, the exchange of political blows continues. Gantz addressed the incident directly: "What happened yesterday was a politically motivated attack in the midst of a war." The LikUD attacked back: "The cabinet's duty to ask questions and get answers, this is not politics."

After the stormy cabinet discussion that ended in discordant tones following attacks on the chief of staff, the exchange of political blows continues. Gantz backed the chief of staff, saying: "What happened yesterday was a politically motivated attack in the midst of a war." The Likud attacked back: "The cabinet's duty to ask questions and get answers, this is not politics."

After the stormy cabinet debate that ended in discordant tones following attacks on the chief of staff by government ministers, the exchange of political blows continues.

Gantz addressed the incident directly, backing the chief of staff and his decision to open an investigation. "It's good that the chief of staff, who knew how to take responsibility after the disaster of 7/10, takes responsibility and establishes a team that will learn operational lessons for the continuation of the fighting – this is his duty." He attacked the conduct of the cabinet ministers: "It is the duty of the political echelon to ask questions and challenge. What happened yesterday was a politically motivated attack in the midst of a war. I have attended many cabinet meetings – such conduct has never been, and should never be."

Gantz blamed Netanyahu for the manner in which the discussion was conducted, which took place only amid tensions in the coalition. "Yesterday, the cabinet should have discussed strategic processes that will affect the continuation of the campaign and our security in the future. That didn't happen, and the responsibility for that lies with the prime minister. He has the responsibility to make amends, and to choose between unity and security and politics. If what matters now is security and unity, we must hold the substantive discussion for the continuation of the fighting as soon as possible.

"There is no doubt that after the war, a state commission of inquiry will be established, which will deal with everything that happened up to October 7, at all levels, but its main contribution must be to the national aspects and not to the operational sphere. This is what the Israeli public demands, and above all, this is what it needs, and so it will be."

Immediately after Gantz's announcement, the Likud attacked the chairman of the state camp in an official statement. "The duty of the security cabinet is to ask questions and get answers. This is not politics. In times of war, when the people are united, Gantz is expected to act responsibly and stop looking for excuses to break his promise to remain in the unity government until the end of the war," the statement read.

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