The Limited Times

"All bottled water contains nanoplastics": should we be afraid for our health?

1/9/2024, 7:07:47 PM

Highlights: American study reveals that microscopic pieces of plastic pollute bottled water. 36 million drunk every day in France. On average, 240,000 plastic fragments per liter of three of the most commercialized mineral waters in the United States. The study was published in the scientific journal "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences" It was published on Tuesday, January 9, by the American journal The journal of Science and Technology, published by the University of California, Los Angeles, and the journal of the American Chemical Society.

An American study published on Tuesday, January 9, reveals that microscopic pieces of plastic pollute bottled water. And lifts from n

We thought it was purer and more natural than the one that flows from our taps. False. Water, mineral or spring, in plastic bottles ― 36 million drunk every day in France ― contains up to 100 times more tiny plastic particles than previously estimated, according to a study published Tuesday in the very serious scientific journal "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences".

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The scientific team behind the discovery used an innovative laser-based detection process to count, on average, 240,000 plastic fragments per liter of three of the most commercialized mineral waters in the United States.

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