The Limited Times

Condensation on the window? Four tips on how to avoid wet slices in the morning

1/9/2024, 1:18:18 PM

Highlights: Condensation on the window? Four tips on how to avoid wet slices in the morning. Modern windows with heat-insulating glazing not only prevent the constant formation of condensation, but also help to reduce energy consumption. Excessive humidity in the room is often the trigger, but leaky or poorly insulated windows can also be the trigger. With a hygrometer, which is available from about ten euros in the hardware store or on the Internet, you can easily control the humidity.

Status: 09.01.2024, 14:06 PM

By: Anne Tessin, Andrea Stettner

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Condensation on the inside of the window should always be removed quickly, otherwise there is a risk of mould. But what are the reasons for this water and how can you prevent it?

Especially in the cold season, it is a familiar sight: In the morning, the window panes are covered from the inside with small beads of water that slowly move downwards. This physical event is known as condensation and is often referred to as condensation. But where does this water come from and is it necessary for you to take action against it?

Why does condensation form on the inside of the window?

Condensation on the window is not only annoying, but also quickly becomes a health hazard. © Iordache Magdalena/Imago

It is quite common for condensation to form on the windows in winter. Breathing and sweating alone can produce up to 1.5 liters of water per person within eight hours, which then settles on the windows. This is compounded by the moisture generated by activities such as showering or cooking. This is how Ökotest explains it on its website. "When the warm air hits a window pane that is cold due to the low outside temperatures, the moisture condenses and settles on the inside of the window in the form of condensation." Although the formation of condensation on windows is nothing out of the ordinary, you should not ignore the damp windows, but take immediate action.

What should I do if condensation forms on the window panes?

If condensation forms on the inside of the window glass, it should be removed with a rag. Without this measure, mold could build up on the seals of the windows over time. Dark discoloration in the silicone is a clear indication of this. These fungal spores pose a potential danger because they can trigger allergic reactions such as headaches, coughs or sleep problems. In addition, excessive moisture can also damage the wooden frame of the windows.

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According to Ökotest, occasional condensation on the windows is no cause for concern. However, if the windows are regularly fogged up, it is advisable to investigate and remedy the causes. Excessive humidity in the room is often the trigger. Sometimes, however, leaky or poorly insulated windows can also be the trigger. In such cases, it would be advisable to replace the windows. Modern windows with heat-insulating glazing not only prevent the constant formation of condensation, but also help to reduce energy consumption. This, in turn, leads to a reduction in your heating costs. This is what the energy supplier Vattenfall informs on its website. "Modern window systems that comply with the Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV) are also available with an integrated ventilation system, which in turn contributes to climate regulation in the home."

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How can I avoid condensation on the inside of the windows?

Despite intact windows, condensation constantly collects? Then it's time to measure the humidity in your living areas and, if necessary, reduce it. An ideal value is between 40 and 60 percent. With a hygrometer, which is available from about ten euros in the hardware store or on the Internet, you can easily control the humidity.

  • Effective heating: To avoid the formation of condensation on the windows, a constant room temperature is recommended. Of course, it helps to know what the numbers on the heating thermostats actually mean. For rooms such as bedrooms or offices that are less heated, you should keep the doors closed to prevent moisture from accumulating in these cooler areas. This also serves to prevent mold growth on the walls.
  • Effective ventilation: The most efficient method for reducing high humidity remains correct ventilation: "Ventilate three to four times a day for about ten to 15 minutes," recommends Ökotest. It is essential to rely on intermittent or, better yet, cross-ventilation, instead of simply leaving the windows on tilt. With tilted windows, the air exchange is insufficient and the walls cool down.
  • Use curtains instead of pleated blinds: The air cannot circulate behind closed pleated blinds and a lot of condensation forms. In winter, it is better to use curtains to darken the rooms and protect yourself from prying eyes. External roller blinds are also a better choice, but of course expensive to buy and install.
  • Switch on the extractor hood: A considerable amount of steam is also produced during cooking. Therefore, you should always use a lid on the pots and turn on the extractor hood. This absorbs the moisture from the room air and discharges it outside.
  • Drying laundry on the balcony: When clothes, towels, bed sheets, etc. dry, the water they contain is released into the surrounding room air. Therefore, setting up a drying rack with wet laundry can significantly increase the humidity in a room. If you have the opportunity, it is better to place your drying rack on the balcony, in the garden or in the attic - even in the winter months. Especially in living rooms and bedrooms, you should avoid setting up a drying rack to prevent the formation of mold on window seals and walls.

By the way: Condensation occurs particularly often on roof windows. Do you notice that your window panes fog up from the outside during the cold season? Fortunately, this is not a cause for alarm at all. Condensation on the outside of the windows is a positive indication and signals that your windows are optimally insulated.