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Differing opinions in the team: How to deal with them – three tips from an expert

1/9/2024, 4:09:55 PM

Highlights: Differing opinions in the team: How to deal with them – three tips from an expert. An expert reveals three tips on how to work on yourself and put yourself in the shoes of others. Black-and-white thinking (psychology 'dichotomous thinking') describes a form of thinking in two extremes. Typical forms of this can be the following:True or FalseSuccess or failure.Smart or stupid.Winner or Failure. What you can do about it. How to communicate better in your team.

Status: 09.01.2024, 16:50 PM

By: Carina Blumenroth

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When several people come together, it is quite natural for different opinions to clash. Even at work – how to deal with it.

All people are different, and it is inevitable that different opinions and points of view come together. One example where you can see it particularly clearly is political attitudes. However, there can also be conflicts at work. An expert reveals three tips on how to work on yourself and put yourself in the shoes of others.

Not Always Either/Or: Why Black-and-White Thinking Can Be Problematic

Learn to listen actively, this can be a key to effective communication. © Cavan Images/Imago

Black-and-white thinking (psychology 'dichotomous thinking') describes a form of thinking in two extremes. There is a lack of grayscale or averages. Typical forms of this can be the following, informs the portal Career Bible.

  • True or False
  • Success or failure
  • Smart or stupid
  • Winner or Failure

In reality, however, there are gradations and nuances, which the human brain can have problems with. Anyone who thinks in these boxes usually lacks the sense and openness for a discussion or a different opinion, informs the portal Hermoney. This can make it difficult to work in a team, for example. What you can do about it.

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Expert Shares Three Tips to Improve Team Collaboration

It all starts in the head, which is not such a bad approach. More precisely, in the frontal lobe. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute also call the frontal lobe "the motor of the human being". So that's where what makes a human being sits, "a controlled, reasonable, socially acting person who makes his or her own decisions based on his or her experience," Andrea Sydow, a conversation and conflict resolution coach, told IPPEN. MEDIA. With three tips from the expert, you can switch off black-and-white thinking and communicate better in your team.

  • Concentration: Listening is key. Be focused, maintain eye contact, and avoid distractions. "When people look benevolently into each other's eyes, everyone receives a positive signal of safety from the other and the body releases the feel-good hormone dopamine," Sydow informs IPPEN. MEDIA. Stay focused enough in the conversation so that you can reproduce exactly what is being said. Andrea Sydow informs us that when listening consciously, the inner monologue is switched off. The latter is then no longer busy preparing counter-arguments or justifications. Ask yourself, "Did I understand the other person?" This refers to the person's arguments.
  • Curiosity: Understand counterarguments in the best possible sense. This does not mean that you agree with the opinion or that you approve of it. However, you should try to put yourself in the other person's shoes.
  • Changing Focus: Save yourself the devaluation of other opinions. If you notice that you are being disrespectful to other people's opinions, you should pause. Try to take the judgement out of your thoughts. This helps to set a new focus and immerse yourself in a foreign way of thinking. It is not a matter of adopting this way of thinking, but of accepting it as otherness, Sydow informs.
  • When you prioritize active listening over wanting to be right, you can create connections and communicate with people more easily.