The Limited Times

Israel to allow UN to visit northern Gaza - Breaking note

1/9/2024, 5:56:59 PM

Highlights: Israel to allow UN to visit northern Gaza. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken requested the visit. UN has expressed concern about hunger in the Strip and the difficult access to food for many people in the Palestinian enclave. This was decided, quoted by the media, by the Israeli war cabinet in which Blinken himself participated. All rights reserved © Copyright ANSA 2013, all rights reserved. The UN has repeatedly expressed concern over hunger in Gaza and theicult access of many people to food.

Israel, in response to a request from U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, will allow a UN delegation to visit the northern Gaza Strip so that it can see the state of the infrastructure up close and establish the needs in the Gaza Strip. (ANSA)

Israel, in response to a request from U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, will allow a UN delegation to visit the northern Gaza Strip so that it can see the state of the infrastructure up close and establish needs in the area. This was decided, quoted by the media, by the Israeli war cabinet in which Blinken himself participated. The UN has repeatedly expressed concern about hunger in the Strip and the difficult access to food for many people in the Palestinian enclave.

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