The Limited Times

Lotito: 'The derby? It's a league within a league' - Football

1/9/2024, 6:09:05 PM

Highlights: Lotito: 'The derby? It's a championship of the league' '2024? We still want to be a reference point for this city' 'It's an important fixture, where our fans have to be the twelfth man on the pitch' 'We have to believe in the strength of a group that is technically good, but that has to find a match on the field' 'That the team maintains the profile seen in recent games, the desire to achieve goals and create a single body with the fans'

'2024? We still want to be a reference point for this city' (ANSA)

"The derby? It's a championship of the league, in which supremacy depends on results. It's an important fixture, where our fans have to be the twelfth man on the pitch." This is what the Biancocelesti president, Claudio Lotito, said to the microphones of LazioStyle Radio on the eve of tomorrow's Coppa Italia match. "We have to believe in the strength of a group that is technically good, but that has to find a match on the field," Lotito continues. For the new year that has just begun, the Lazio president hopes "that the team maintains the profile seen in recent games, the desire to achieve goals and create a single body with the fans. We will give everything to be a point of reference for this city, once again."

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