The Limited Times

Palestinian NGO, '5,755 arrested in the West Bank since 7/10' - Breaking note

1/9/2024, 2:27:20 PM

Highlights: 5,755 Palestinians have been arrested by Israeli forces in the West Bank since 7 October, including 190 women and 335 children. This is supported by the Palestinian NGO Palestinian Prisoners Society. 50 journalists have been captured, of whom "20 are in administrative detention, i.e. without any charge or trial", according to Al Jazeera report. The Palestinian NGO says that the arrests have taken place in West Bank towns and cities, including Bethlehem, Nablus, Ramallah and Qalandia.

5,755 Palestinians have been arrested by Israeli forces in the West Bank since 7 October, including 190 women and 335 children. (ANSA)

5,755 Palestinians have been arrested by Israeli forces in the West Bank since 7 October, including 190 women and 335 children. This is supported by the Palestinian NGO Palestinian Prisoners Society quoted by Al Jazeera, according to which 50 journalists have been captured, of whom "20 are in administrative detention, i.e. without any charge or trial".

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