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Piantedosi: 'What happened at the demonstration sparks outrage' - News

1/9/2024, 12:45:48 PM

Highlights: Piantedosi: 'What happened at the demonstration sparks outrage' - News. The Minister of the Interior intervenes after the controversy over the Roman greetings at the commemoration. The President of the Senate: 'I am waiting for the Supreme Court. But my party has nothing to do with it.' The opposition's critical replies. Salvini: 'Fascism and communism defeated by history' The Democratic Party presents a bill on the repression of apology (ANSA). "There is no doubt" that what happened "arouses indignation, it is contrary to our acquired culture"

The Minister of the Interior intervenes after the controversy over the Roman greetings at the commemoration. The President of the Senate: 'I am waiting for the Supreme Court. But my party has nothing to do with it.' The opposition's critical replies. Salvini: 'Fascism and communism defeated by history'. The Democratic Party presents a bill on the repression of apology (ANSA)

"There is no doubt" that what happened at the demonstration for the massacre in Via Acca Larentia "arouses indignation, it is contrary to our acquired culture. And the indignation is across-the-board." This was stated by the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantedosi, at the hearing of the Extraordinary Commission for the Fight against the Phenomena of Intolerance, Racism, Anti-Semitism and Incitement to Hate and Violence. "Prohibiting and not observing is counterproductive and less profitable," added Piantedosi, commenting on the demonstration in Via Acca Larentia.

"I fully agree with Rampelli when he says that FdI is totally unrelated to the episode of the Roman greetings at the commemoration of the three very young victims of the attack in Acca Larenzia. Moreover, the fact was striking and had a lot of visibility, but the party really has no role or responsibility in what happened." This was stated in an interview with Corriere della Sera by the President of the Senate Ignazio La Russa. "We have always told our people not to participate in certain demonstrations, which are inevitably exploited by those who want to attack us - he adds - We have nothing to do with it, it has nothing to do with the party".

In the meantime, the Democratic Party has filed a bill "that makes the repression of the apology of fascism and neo-fascist subversive phenomena more effective. If the whole of Parliament supported it, it would clarify the existing legislation and strengthen it." This was written on X by Andrea De Maria, Democratic Party deputy.

"It must be said, historically," continues the President of the Senate, La Russa, referring to the victims of Acca Larentia, "that these boys, like so many other victims of years of lead or terrorist violence, have not had justice. I wouldn't want there to be first-class deaths and second-class deaths, for memory to disappear."

On the Roman salute, La Russa says: "It does not help to resolve the issue, and the controversy that is unleashed every time, the fact that there is uncertainty about how to consider certain gestures in the case of commemoration of deceased people. I await with interest the planned meeting of the United Sections of the Court of Cassation on this very point."

La Russa also spoke to Repubblica about the same topic: "So far - he says - there have been conflicting judgments on whether the Roman salute on the occasion of celebrations of deceased people is a crime or not. For some rulings of the Supreme Court it was not a crime, for others it was." Therefore, "I think it is important to clarify from a legal point of view, there is a need for it. It is one thing to apologize for fascism, another to reconstitute the fascist party, another to commemorate the dead."

Salvini: 'Fascism and communism defeated by history'

"Those who declare themselves fascists or communists in 2024 make me tender; He has been defeated by history. Fortunately, communism and fascism, which brought wars, death, hunger and misery, will not return. I am projected into the future and not into the past; I hope that politics will also look to the future and that this debate will end." This was said by Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini on RTL 102.5 in Non Stop News

Parrini and Orlando (Pd), 'we are waiting for Meloni's words. The Supreme Court? We thought April 25 would be enough.'

"Tajani on the Roman greetings of Via Acca Larentia: "Fi is anti-fascist. The apology of fascism is forbidden by law." But La Russa: "I doubt there is a crime." Not a small dissonance. Giorgia Meloni should speak. But he is silent: on difficult topics he is a black belt in mutism." Thus Senator Dario Parrini of the Democratic Party, vice-president of the Constitutional Affairs Committee.

"La Russa is waiting for the Supreme Court. Fools who thought April 25, 45 would have been enough." This was written on social media by the Democratic Party MP and former Minister of Labour Andrea Orlando.

"Does the president of the Senate, the second highest office in the state, really consider the Roman salute justifiable? But where did we end up? After Meloni's silence/assent, La Russa clears the fascist salute. All limits have been crossed." Alessandro Zan, deputy of the Democratic Party, writes this on twitter

Baldino (M5S), 'they try to rewrite the history and anti-fascist principles of the Republic'

"Corriere della Sera's interview with Ignazio La Russa has some gruesome profiles. The second highest office of the State, commenting on the events in Via Acca Larentia, candidly indulges in some statements that demonstrate what their true culture is," says Vittoria Baldino, deputy leader of the M5S group in Montecitorio, who in a long post on Fb presses on the words of the president of the Senate on the expected ruling of the Supreme Court: "In a nutshell, we are anxiously waiting - says Baldino - for the Roman salute to be definitively cleared so that we can finally sing the praises to the Duce, as it should be in this country of ungrateful!"

"We are facing a clear attempt to rewrite the history, culture and anti-fascist principles of our Republic. Let's not call them fascists because for them it's not an insult, it's just a compliment," Baldino concludes.

Paita (Iv), 'surprised by Meloni's silence'

"I was surprised by the fact that everyone intervened on the Acca Larentia affair, except for one person: Giorgia Meloni. The Prime Minister, who talks about everything, pandoro and panettone, has not been able to say a clear word of condemnation of the serious events that have taken place." This was stated by Senator Raffaella Paita, national coordinator of Italia Viva to Sky. "This is an apology for fascism, there is no doubt about it. I will put the matter to Minister Piantedosi, who will be at a hearing today in the Segre Commission," Paita announced.

De Cristofaro (Avs), 'La Russa should say if he dissociates'

"The President of the Senate Ignazio La Russa should leave aside what the Supreme Court will say about the fascist salute, let us know instead, without beating around the bush, whether or not he dissociates himself from the unequivocally fascist parade of Acca Larentia'. This was written on Facebook by the leader of the Greens and Left Alliance Peppe De Cristofaro, president of the Mixed Group of Palazzo Madama.

To say that Fratelli d'Italia has nothing to do with it, but to add that he is 'waiting with interest' for the decisions of the Supreme Court, De Cristofaro reflects, "sounds like the usual circle-bombing of the Italian right, always incapable of definitively ending fascism. The second office of the Republic born from the Resistance must go beyond the phrases of circumstance that do not raise and do not put ".

"Something that is neither Meloni's gruesome silence nor the stammering of those who tepidly distance themselves without ever really severing the umbilical cord with those hundreds of outstretched arms that have set Italy back a century. Covering the country with shame. Curiosity is a personal matter, if he keeps it to himself, I am interested in his political judgment. That is exactly what I am asking of the President of the Senate, of which I am a member. President La Russa must pronounce clear words of condemnation," concludes the AVS representative.

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