The Limited Times

Recognising and treating obesity in dogs

1/9/2024, 4:07:00 PM

Highlights: Recognising and treating obesity in dogs. With the help of the so-called "Body Condition Score" (BCS) you can get an impression of whether your pet is too fat – or even suffering from obesity. The value "1" stands for severely underweight and "9" for very severely overweight. Between the ages of 14 and 15 months, dogs often have the ideal weight, as PD Dr. Kölle writes in the journal "Team Konkret"

Status: 09.01.2024, 16:51 PM

By: Yannik Lurz

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Little exercise, illness, too much food – the causes of obesity in dogs are diverse and often mutually dependent.

Does your dog seem a bit chubby to you? With the help of the so-called "Body Condition Score" (BCS), you can get an impression of whether your pet is too fat – or even suffering from obesity. The value "1" stands for severely underweight and "9" for very severely overweight. From a value of "7", a dog is considered obese. Ideally, aim for a BCS of "5", but if you have a greyhound or hunting dog, a score of "4" is also acceptable. But what does a dog with an ideal weight look like?

Obesity in dogs: How can I tell if my dog is too fat?

In the journal Kleintier konkret (4/2021), a senior physician at LMU Munich describes this according to the BCS:

  • Look at the dog from above: you can see a waist behind the ribs.
  • Look at the dog from the side: you will see a clear belly line.
  • Palpate the rib cage: you can feel the ribs under a small layer of fat.

If these points don't apply, your dog is probably too fat. The veterinarian also points out that some feed manufacturers offer illustrative material – such as the company Purina. By the way: If you already owned the dog as a puppy, you have a good comparison value. Between the ages of 14 and 15 months, dogs often have the ideal weight, as PD Dr. Kölle writes in the journal "Team Konkret".

Is your dog too fat? With a few simple steps and the "Body Condition Score" you can find out. (Symbolic image) © Mary H. Swift / Imago

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Why is my dog too fat?

As with humans, the obesity of dogs is based on a simple calculation: the animal absorbs more energy than it consumes. In addition, there are favourable factors: medications, genetics, castration, age – but also diseases. Go to the veterinarian to rule out disease. There you will receive tips and, if necessary, a diet plan. Because overweight and obesity have serious consequences for your pet.

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What are the consequences of being overweight for dogs?

Once again, similarities to humans can be recognized. The increased weight and the higher fat content put additional strain on the cardiovascular system and can thus lead to complications. Pain is also possible. Dr. Kölle also cites joint problems, diabetes and urinary stones as possible consequences. To spare your dog this and give him a long, healthy and happy life, your pet should definitely lose weight if in doubt.

Putting your dog on a diet: Slimming down for four-legged friends

In principle, it is easy to reduce the excess weight of dogs: less food, more exercise. Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight knows that this is easier said than done. Your dog feels the same way. So, discuss the best course of action with your veterinarian. Dr. Kölle points out some important points to keep in mind:

  • Daily energy intake: 60 percent of the diet at ideal weight
  • Be sure to keep the amount of food – new food should have fewer calories
  • Move more: Challenge and encourage your dog
  • Make sure you have an adequate supply of nutrients
  • Don't make exceptions: no extra treats, no food from the table, etc.

In any case, listen to your doctor's suggestions. Your dog will thank you! And even better, prevent obesity in dogs by eating a balanced diet and getting enough exercise.

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