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The 18-year-old who stretched a cable in the street repents in front of the investigating judge - News

1/9/2024, 3:07:10 PM

Highlights: The 18-year-old who stretched a cable in the street repents in front of the investigating judge. The young man was questioned today in prison in Monza. The judge's decision, on whether or not to validate the detention and on the precautionary measure, is expected by tomorrow morning. The boy is charged with the crime of blocking roads. He was keen to reiterate that he had a very different upbringing. He has never wanted to minimize the episode, not even from a terminological point of view.

The young man was questioned today in prison in Monza (ANSA)

Michele Di Rosa, the 18-year-old arrested in Monza for stretching a steel cable at eye level, on the night between 3 and 4 January in Viale Toscana in Milan, was questioned this morning in prison by the investigating judge Andrea Giudici. Answering all the magistrate's questions, the young man basically confirmed the version provided by 24-year-old Alex Baiocco, the first of the three friends, one of whom is a minor, to have been stopped.

"He had already said he was repentant when he went to turn himself in on the day of the Epiphany - explained his lawyer Gaetano Giamboi - and now he has reiterated it with even greater strength and maturity. He has a great awareness of what happened and has never wanted to minimize the episode, not even from a terminological point of view."

Di Rosa, who according to Baiocco's account was the first to propose to the group to go back to remove the cable, "has a lot of pain for what it may have caused to his family. He was keen to reiterate that he had a very different upbringing." The judge's decision, on whether or not to validate the detention and on the precautionary measure, is expected by tomorrow morning. The boy is charged with the crime of blocking roads.

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