The Limited Times

The Inclusion Challenge, a project of the APICIL Group to fight against inequalities

1/9/2024, 5:06:25 PM

Highlights: The APICIL group highlights and rewards initiatives that promote a more inclusive society. The third edition of the Inclusion Challenge attracted more than 285 project leaders. Brahim Bourkia and his suspended burger project, the "Suspendall" won the prize in the Association category. Jean-Marie Marquet, creator of the "TaKahut" platform, won the Entrepreneur Award. Émilie Bachary, a member of the 'Handi'Cap vers la maternité' project, will benefit from a promotion of her initiative on the Mon entreprise inclusive website.

The APICIL group, France's third-largest social protection group, highlights and rewards initiatives that promote a more inclusive society. A look back at the third edition of the Inclusion Challenge.

"Through a close and caring relationship, sustain all lives, all life." This is the raison d'être of the APICIL Group. On December 12, during the closing night in front of more than 100 people, three winners were recognized. The third edition of the Inclusion Challenge attracted more than 285 project leaders during the campaign, which took place between September 25 and December 12, 2023. Brahim Bourkia and his suspended burger project, the "Suspendall" (a free burger for one burger bought), won the prize in the Association category. Jean-Marie Marquet, creator of the "TaKahut" platform, won the Entrepreneur Award. Together with his team, he works to set up holiday and short-term accommodation as well as outings and all kinds of activities adapted to people in wheelchairs.

Finally, Émilie Bachary, a member of the "Handi'Cap vers la maternité" project led by the Groupement des hôpitaux de l'Institut catholique de Lille since 2013, will benefit from a promotion of her initiative on the Mon entreprise inclusive website. The winner looked back on her victory and talked about the future of the project:

What project did you present at the Inclusion Challenge?

Émilie Bachary: Within the Groupement des hôpitaux de l'Institut catholique de Lille, where I work, my project "Handi'Cap vers la maternité" facilitates, adapts and personalizes the pregnancy project of couples with disabilities. We have already accompanied 70 of them, from their desire to have a child to the return home with their newborn.

How did you react when you heard about your victory?

EB: With a lot of happiness of course! Above all, I am happy and proud of the steering committee that I represent.

What does this trophy for your project represent for the continuation of this initiative?

EB: Our initiative will be promoted on the APICIL Group's platforms. It's a nice spotlight! We would like to create an association of parents with disabilities. We would also like to set up a parenting support service, to follow the couples we have met over the long term.