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Two deaths from H1N1 influenza in Vicenza. The ASL: 'Get vaccinated' - News

1/9/2024, 10:26:28 PM

Highlights: Two deaths from H1N1 influenza in Vicenza. The ASL: 'Get vaccinated' - News. News. The Health Directorate of the Veneto Region: 'It is not the so-called swine one' (ANSA). Two men died in a few days from the consequences of the H1n1 A virus. The good news is that the seasonal flu vaccine can protect against the virus. For this reason, the Vicenza ASL has launched an appeal to undergo prophylaxis.

The Health Directorate of the Veneto Region: 'It is not the so-called swine one' (ANSA)

Two men died in a few days in Vicenza from the consequences of the H1N1 A virus. There was initially talk of contagion of the so-called 'swine flu', but the Health Directorate of the Veneto Region, with a note from the manager Francesca Russo, clarified how wrong it is to associate it with the 'v' variant of H1N1 (swine flu). This precise phase of the year is characterized by the circulation of the H1N1 pdm09 virus (Pandemic disease Mexico 2009): "it is the influenza virus that has been circulating widely in all flu seasons since 2009. Calling it a 'swine flu' virus is a media legacy that suggests a non-seasonal virus."
Every year, respiratory viruses lead to an increase in hospitalizations and mortality during the period of circulation; At present, however, they are in line with the pre-pandemic flu seasons. "The recent WHO report confirms that mortality is comparable to that before the Covid pandemic. In any case, surveillance by general practitioners and paediatricians and hospital surveillance remains important."
However, the two deaths of flu patients in close proximity have raised alarm in Vicenza. A first patient, a 55-year-old, died on Sunday, January 7; Yesterday, a 47-year-old man, who had been in desperate conditions for days, died from the serious consequences of the same disease. And also at the San Bortolo hospital, in the Berico capital, three other patients, including a woman, are in very serious condition, hospitalized in intensive care. One of the worst complications of the virus is intestinal pneumonia. In severe cases, doctors help patients with ECMO, circulation and extracorporeal ventilation, to overcome the peak of the crisis.
The good news is that the seasonal flu vaccine can protect against the virus. For this reason, the Vicenza ASL has launched an appeal to undergo prophylaxis. "This flu strain - confirms Russo - is contained in the vaccine, available for those at risk and for all categories indicated by the ministry: vaccination is therefore absolutely recommended, even for a wider public. The use of masks and personal protective equipment remains important in the event of contagion, and in the most serious episodes, any timely therapy with antivirals".

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