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What to do with holiday sweets? Panettone cassatine and pandoro chocolates - Food

1/9/2024, 6:56:03 PM

Highlights: Between Christmas and Epiphany, a quarter of the food purchased is not consumed. 6 out of 10 Italians tend to buy more food than necessary during the holidays, with 37% admitting to throwing away more than a quarter. Save The Panettone Surprise Bags can be purchased from the app until January 28 by choosing from 600 participating stores including Carrefour Italia. Among the ideas of the app are panettone cassatine and pandoro chocolates. To learn more ANSA Agency Zero Waste Parties, how to magically transform the leftovers of dinners and lunches, visit

Anti-waste ideas from Too Goog to Go. Between Christmas and Epiphany, a quarter of the food purchased is not consumed (ANSA)

Between Christmas and Epiphany, a quarter of the food purchased is not consumed. Like every year, with the end of the holidays and the return to everyday life, shopkeepers and consumers find themselves having to deal with large quantities of leftover food that risks going to waste. According to recent research by Too Good To Go in collaboration with YouGov, in fact, 6 out of 10 Italians tend to buy more food than necessary during the holidays, with 37% admitting to throwing away more than a quarter.

To learn more ANSA Agency Zero Waste Parties, how to magically transform the leftovers of dinners and lunches - Food - We eat less than we used to, but we always prepare too much. Throw it all away? Mai (ANSA)

"Through the return of the Save The Panettone campaign, this year we want to encourage more careful consumption and the adoption of good practices to combat food waste as much as possible, at a time of year when this is particularly felt," comments Mirco Cerisola, Country Director Italy of Too Good To Go. "The initiative aims to help shopkeepers and consumers recover all those food products related to Christmas, New Year's Eve and Epiphany that are at risk of being thrown away, even if they are still in perfect condition." Inside the Save The Panettone Surprise Bags, which can be purchased from the app until January 28 by choosing from 600 participating stores including Carrefour Italia, it will be possible to find, in addition to the sweets of the period such as panettone and pandoro, also other typical products of the holidays that have remained unsold such as gastronomic panettone, pretzels, chocolates and much more.
Anti-waste recipes to reinvent panettone and typical desserts.
The use of anti-waste recipes is a widespread practice. Among the ideas of the app are panettone cassatine and pandoro chocolates.

The recipe for panettone cassatina (leftover)

To turn leftover panettone into irresistible cassatine filled with ricotta and chocolate, start by crushing the leftover panettone, creating a mixture compact enough to be processed. Then fill muffin tins with half of the mixture, pressing well until you get a solid base and place everything in the freezer until the base is solid. While waiting, take some fresh ricotta and mix it with chocolate chips or assorted candied fruit, until you get a smooth cream. At this point, retrieve the molds and fill them with the ricotta and chocolate cream. Cover everything with the remaining panettone dough, carefully sealing the edges. As a finishing touch, cover your muffins with melted chocolate and let it rest in the freezer again. Once solidified, you can brush the top of the cassatine with a glaze made with powdered sugar, egg white and a few drops of lemon and finish the preparation by decorating them with chocolate chips and leftover candied fruit.

The recipe for pandoro chocolates (leftover)

and chop the leftover pandoro, adding two tablespoons of orange jam (better if already opened so as not to waste it!), a drop of Cointreau liqueur and a tablespoon of hazelnut cream.
Mix everything together and form a homogeneous mixture. Prepare balls that are not too large, shaping them with your hands, and place them in the refrigerator overnight. Once hardened, you can cover them with melted chocolate in a bain-marie and leave them back in the fridge to rest for a few hours, before serving. They are then stored in the following days directly in the fridge.

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