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A huge prayer at the Western Wall for the IDF's success and the release of the hostages | Israel Hayom

1/10/2024, 1:56:27 PM

Highlights: Mass prayer at the Western Wall to strengthen the people of Israel against Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists. Those who called for prayer are the chief rabbis and the greatest ultra-Orthodox rabbis. The networks Ohr Torah Stone, Reshet Amit, Bnei Akiva and Ezra also announced participation in the rally. This is the second time that many prayers have been organized at the initiative of Ayelet Hashahar, Kissufim and media personality Israel Cohen. The first prayer rally took place a few weeks ago, near the grave of the Chazon Ish.

Mass prayer at the Western Wall to strengthen the people of Israel against Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists • Those who called for prayer are the chief rabbis and the greatest ultra-Orthodox rabbis: "In anticipation of God's salvation soon and merciful redemption soon" • The networks Ohr Torah Stone, Reshet Amit, Bnei Akiva and Ezra also announced participation in the rally

Tens of thousands of people are participating today (Wednesday) in a mass prayer at the Western Wall to strengthen the people of Israel against Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists and to release the hostages.

Those who called for prayer were the Chief Rabbis of Israel, who wrote that "the people of Israel are going through a difficult time. A cruel enemy that does not shy away from any means seeks to destroy and kill, from boy to old man, children and women. We will pray to awaken divine mercy on Klal Yisrael, for the healing of the wounded in body and soul, for the success of IDF soldiers and security forces, for the safe and sound return of the abductees, in anticipation of God's salvation soon and for imminent redemption with mercy."

The giant prayer at the Western Wall, today, photo: Yoni Rikner

The call by the chief rabbis was also joined by the greatest haredi rabbis and instructed their congregation to participate. The leader of the Kav yeshivas, Rabbi Tzvi Yisrael Tau Shlita, also issued a special and rare announcement stating that he would participate in the prayer. This announcement will probably bring all yeshivas, midrashim and pre-military preparatory programs related in various ways to the line yeshivas to join the prayer.

Meanwhile, the networks Ohr Torah Stone, Reshet Amit, Bnei Akiva and Ezra also announced participation in the rally. This is the second time that many prayers have been organized at the initiative of Ayelet Hashahar, Kissufim and media personality Israel Cohen, who are in constant contact with the families of the abductees. The first prayer rally took place a few weeks ago, on Saturday night, near the grave of the legendary leader of the ultra-Orthodox community, the Chazon Ish.

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