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High Court of Justice in Order Against Ben-Gvir: Refrain from Operational Orders to Police Regarding Demonstrations | Israel Hayom

1/10/2024, 8:07:22 AM

Highlights: High Court of Justice in Order Against Ben-Gvir: Refrain from Operational Orders to Police Regarding Demonstrations. "It will refrain from operative instructions to the police regarding the exercise of freedom of protest," says the order. "The minister will not interfere with the police as to how it must exercise its authority in that incident – directly or indirectly, in advance or intermittently," it adds. "In addition, it shall refrain from referring, inter alia, to the manner in which force is used in one event or another," the order adds.

High Court issues interim injunction in petition filed by the Movement for Quality Government against Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir: "It will refrain from operative instructions to the police regarding the exercise of freedom of protest."

According to the order, the minister will not interfere with the police as to how it must exercise its authority in that incident – directly or indirectly, in advance or intermittently. In addition, it shall refrain from referring, inter alia, to the manner in which force is used in one event or another, the methods of use of force, the means of dispersing demonstrations, the conditions relating to the time, place and manner of holding the event, and the granting of permission to hold the event.

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