The Limited Times

'Girl raped at first meeting', 27-year-old under house arrest - Last hour

1/11/2024, 11:26:31 AM

Highlights: 'Girl raped at first meeting', 27-year-old under house arrest - last hour. The two had met on social media. After several exchanges of messages, the 27- year-old had invited the girl to a first meeting during which she was allegedly assaulted and raped. Once at home, the victim told everything to her family, who accompanied her to the hospital where she was found to have injuries and then reported the assault. The prosecutor appealed to the court of review to obtain house arrest.

They had met while chatting and on the first date the man, 27 years old, arrested and now under house arrest, allegedly raped her in the car. The victim is a 14-year-old girl. (ANSA)

They had met while chatting and on the first date the man, 27 years old, arrested and now under house arrest, allegedly raped her in the car. The victim is a 14-year-old girl.
Yesterday in Court in Mantua the girl, who attends the first high school in an institute in the province, was heard in the protected room reserved for minors, as an evidentiary incident since the matter is still in the preliminary investigation phase. Here he told his version of the facts, repeating the accusations against the 27-year-old, who has been under house arrest since last October.
The two had met on social media. After several exchanges of messages, the 27-year-old had invited the girl to a first meeting during which the 14-year-old was allegedly assaulted and raped. Once at home, the victim told everything to her family, who accompanied her to the hospital where she was found to have injuries and then reported the assault. At that point, the prosecutor's office arrested the 27-year-old who was taken to prison where he remained little seen by decision of the investigating magistrate. At that point, the prosecutor appealed to the court of review to obtain house arrest.

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