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Away with the data of those not under investigation from wiretapping, ok to the amendment - News

1/11/2024, 1:17:06 PM

Highlights: Away with the data of those not under investigation from wiretapping, ok to the amendment. Reformulated by Forza Italia (first signatory Pierantonio Zanettin) It would further guarantee the 'third parties', i.e. the non-suspects and non-defendants who can be intercepted, but not mentioned by name nor that there are references that allow us to understand who they are. EU: 'Decriminalising abuse of office weighs on the fight against corruption'

The Nordio bill in the Senate Committee (ANSA)

In the transcripts of intercepted communications there will be no "data that allow the identification of subjects other than the parties": this is provided for by an amendment to the so-called Nordio bill that was approved by the Senate Justice Committee. Reformulated by Forza Italia (first signatory Pierantonio Zanettin) it would further guarantee the 'third parties', i.e. the non-suspects and non-defendants who can be intercepted, but not mentioned by name nor that there are references that allow us to understand who they are. In addition to the majority, Italia Viva voted in favor.

On the amendment concerning wiretapping, the Democratic Party then clarified that it had voted against it because - as Alfredo Bazoli, senator and member of the Justice Committee, explained to ANSA - on the issue "we had presented a suppressive amendment so, faced with the reformulation of the proposal by FI, we consistently voted against". The Dems, on the other hand, abstained on the amendment proposed by the Northern League member Erika Stefani, which introduces further indications on the notice of guarantee, for example the day on which the act for which they are under investigation would have been committed. "On that, we think it may make sense to enrich the information in the warranty notice."

EU: 'Decriminalising abuse of office weighs on the fight against corruption'

"Although it is too early for a comment, I can say that the fight against corruption is a top priority for the Commission. We adopted an ad hoc package last May. We are aware of the draft law in Italy and the amendments" on abuse of office. "As was explained last July in the latest rule of law report, this proposal decriminalizes an important form of corruption and can have an impact on the effectiveness of the fight against corruption." This was underlined by a spokesperson for the EU Commission in response to a question on the Nordio bill and the cancellation of the crime of abuse of office.

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