The Limited Times

Carrot oil and hit: Doron Medley Vacation in Thailand - voila! Celebs

1/11/2024, 7:18:44 PM

Highlights: Doron Medley took a break from the chaos in Israel and went on a vacation in Thailand. The songwriter is one of the most successful Israeli artists of all time. He was accompanied by his wife and two children, who were also on the trip. The pair were staying in a luxury villa on the island of Koh Samui, which is famous for its beaches and sunsets. They also stayed in a hotel in the city of Yafo, where they stayed for a few days.

The man responsible for some of the biggest hits of recent years decided to take a break from Israel, and went on a luxurious vacation in Thailand

Oh Pictures! Doron Medley/Walla System!, Walla System!

Although Eurovision seems distant to impossible for Israel at the moment, it is likely that one of the most prominent participants in the process will beDoron Medley. The man responsible for some of the biggest hits in recent years decided to take a break from the chaos in Israel and flew to Thailand for a luxurious vacation.

Byeey/Walla system!, Walla system!

Because voila! Celebs are a woman with eyes everywhere, a brave and tanned surfer sent her photos of the talented songwriter, who was not very enthusiastic about meeting the camera among the exotic huts of Koh Samui. As you might expect from a vacationing person, Medley was armed with a bathing suit, towel and, above all, tranquility.

Voila! Celebs dream of a small cabin in Koh Samui, but settle for a hole in the wall at Central Station.

  • More on the subject:
  • Doron Medley