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Emmanuel Macron's support for Gérard Depardieu: rallies in France to denounce the "old world"

1/11/2024, 9:39:32 PM

Highlights: Rallies were held in several cities in France on Thursday to denounce Emmanuel Macron's support for Gérard Depardieu, indicted for rape. The rallies were initiated by feminist associations in some thirty cities, in Lille, Toulouse and Marseille. "A rapist is a rapist, no more impunity," chanted demonstrators gathered not far from the Élysée Palace on Place Saint-Augustin in Paris. "There is a gap between what the president of the republic thinks and what is actively happening in French society," said actress Anna Mouglalis.

Initiated by feminist associations, rallies were held in some thirty French cities. In the crosshairs of the milita

"Enough of this old world." Rallies were held in several cities in France on Thursday to denounce Emmanuel Macron's support for Gérard Depardieu, indicted for rape, and to defend victims of sexual violence. The rallies initiated by feminist associations in some thirty cities, in Lille, Toulouse and Marseille, each brought together a few dozen people, more in Paris with 300 to 400 people.

"A rapist is a rapist, no more impunity, whether he is an actor, CEO or Mr. "Everyone," "victims, we believe you, rapists, we see you," chanted demonstrators gathered not far from the Élysée Palace on Place Saint-Augustin in Paris. Three members of Femen, topless, held up placards that read "Let's break the silence and the old world" and "patriarchy, you're screwed, #metoo are in the street."

VIDEO. Depardieu: Emmanuel Macron denounces a "manhunt" against the actor

In the sights of the demonstrators, the remarks made by Emmanuel Macron on December 20 on France 5. The president had given his support to Gérard Depardieu, indicted for rape and targeted by three complaints for sexual assault or rape that he denies, calling him a "huge actor" who makes "France proud" and denouncing a "manhunt". "The fact that a president of the republic would say this without taking into account the victims for two minutes and resolutely take the side of the alleged rapist is very serious," said Suzy Rojtman, spokesperson for the National Women's Rights Collective. "It sends a very bad signal to victims."

'An absolute disgrace'

Among the demonstrators were actress Charlotte Arnould, who filed a complaint against Gérard Depardieu, leading to his indictment for rape and sexual assault in 2020, and actress Anna Mouglalis. "There is a gap between what the president of the republic thinks and what is actively happening in French society," Mouglalis said, saying she was "very shocked" by the president's remarks. "It's an absolute disgrace, under no circumstances can a president of the Republic say that." Orlane, a 23-year-old student, agrees. "I'd like impunity to end, it's not because a man (Gérard Depardieu) is powerful, that he's known, that he has the right to do this kind of thing."

In Lille, about fifty people gathered in front of the prefecture of Hauts-de-France. "With MeToo, in 2017, women were told to speak up. There, they talk, but they are not believed," said Amy Bah, 26, a local representative of the Nous toutes collective.

In Marseille, the rally brought together some 80 people, the vast majority of whom were women. "Macron's remarks (...) have put me in a mad rage," explains Annick Karsenty, president of Femmes Solidaires Marseille, judging the president "in total contradiction with his promises to make violence against women his priority." In Toulouse, there were about thirty of them. "It's important to come together to show that we're not silent," Irene, 36, told AFP.

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