The Limited Times

Evaluation proves: Never before have there been so many deceptive packages as in 2023

1/11/2024, 2:28:06 PM

Highlights: Evaluation proves: Never before have there been so many deceptive packages as in 2023. Majority of Germans are clearly in favor of additional labeling of price increases for food products. Legal regulations should put an end to deceptive packaging, demands the consumer advice center. Even if the food companies cheat and legal regulations are a long time coming, there are a few tips that consumers can use to shop more cost-effectively. For confidential support call the Samaritans in the UK on 08457 90 90 90, visit a local Samaritans branch or see for details.

Status: 11.01.2024, 15:14 PM

By: Cefina Gomez

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The consumer advice centre warns: In addition to the horrendous price increases, some food manufacturers are using tricks to further increase their profits.

Munich – Last year, some food manufacturers probably resorted to the motto "less is more" and reduced the filling quantities of their products, but the prices remained the same or were even increased. What is colloquially called shrinkage or deceptive packaging experienced an all-time high in 2023, as reported by the consumer advice center.

In the last two years, the number of deceptive packages has more than doubled. At the end of last year, a total of 104 supermarket products were nominated for the "Deceptive Packaging of the Year" award from the consumer advice centre. For comparison, 2022 products were nominated in 76 and only 2021 in 47.

Evaluation shows: Food manufacturers are becoming more and more © brazen Jens Kalaene/dpa

In the wake of the negative development, the majority of Germans are clearly in favor of additional labeling of price increases for food products.

Which product has shot the bird and is the deceptive packaging winner of the year?

For several years, the consumer advice centre has been keeping a list of the most brazen deceptive packaging on the basis of consumer complaints. Until 22 January, consumers still have the opportunity to choose the product from five different candidates for the award as Deceptive Packaging of the Year 2023. The following products are available:

  • Tuc Bake Rolls Sea Salt from Mondelez with 127 percent price increase
  • Chocolat Amandes whole milk from Aldi with 30 percent price increase
  • Johnson & Johnson's Listerine Total Care with 34 percent price increase
  • Oreo Popsicles from Froneri with 63 percent price increase

Thanks to numerous tips and complaints over the last twelve months, the crowning of the main winner is imminent. Last year, the popular margarine "Rama" prevailed against the competition and was allowed to call itself the deceptive packaging of the year 2022.

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Legal regulations should put an end to deceptive packaging, demands the consumer advice center

Despite the knowledge of the tricks of the food industry, the consumer advice centre criticises the fact that the legislator does little apart from empty promises. A ray of hope, however, is the key issues paper of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), which provides for the packaging to shrink in proportion to the reduced content so that the consumer is not deliberately deceived.

However, this step does not go far enough for the consumer advice centre. In order to counteract the trickery and to use the packaging more sustainably, the head office demands that every package be filled to the brim. According to the consumer advice centre, "currently up to 30 percent air is usually allowed in the package, in some cases even more". Even if the food companies cheat and legal regulations are a long time coming, there are a few tips that consumers can use to shop more cost-effectively. (cg)