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Israel, 'South Africa is the legal arm of Hamas' - Breaking News

1/11/2024, 1:36:55 PM

Highlights: Israel, 'South Africa is the legal arm of Hamas' - Breaking News. Lior Hayat, spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry, said that today in The Hague "we witnessed one of the greatest spectacles of hypocrisy in history, built on a series of false and unfounded claims" South Africa, he explained, "completely distorted the reality in Gaza after the October 7 massacre and completely ignored the fact that Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel by killing, massacring, raping and kidnapping Israeli citizens"

South Africa is "the legal arm of the terrorist organization Hamas." (ANSA)

South Africa is "the legal arm of the terrorist organization Hamas." Lior Hayat, spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry, said that today in The Hague "we witnessed one of the greatest spectacles of hypocrisy in history, built on a series of false and unfounded claims". South Africa, he explained, "completely distorted the reality in Gaza after the October 7 massacre and completely ignored the fact that Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel by killing, massacring, raping and kidnapping Israeli citizens just because they were Israeli citizens in an attempt to commit genocide."

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