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Network personality Keren Shaham reveals: "I've been undergoing fertility treatment for over a year" - Walla! Celebs

1/11/2024, 7:20:16 PM

Highlights: Network personality Keren Shaham reveals: "I've been undergoing fertility treatment for over a year" The web personality and content creator revealed on her Instagram page that she has been undergoing treatments. Shaham decided to talk about it now in order to normalize the treatments that quite a few women have undergone. She said: "Some days I'm finished and devastated, and some days I're just fine""I already felt like I was hiding something I shouldn't hide, shouldn't be ashamed of," she said.

The web personality and content creator revealed on her Instagram page that she has been undergoing fertility treatments for over a year, and decided to talk about it now in order to normalize the treatments that quite a few women have undergone

Keren Shaham shares about fertility treatments/Instagram screenshot

In recent years, there has been more and more awareness of the difficulties that many go through on the way to becoming parents. The same goes for fertility treatments, which comes up more in the discourse, after women share the processes they undergo, including quite a few celebrities who chose to reveal the treatments they themselves undergo, including actressMaya Wertheimer, who has spoken about the subject more than once, and now also content creator and network personalityKeren Shaham, who chose to share her personal case.

Shaham posted on her Instagram story on Thursday, in which she said that she and her partner Assaf Granit (and no, this is not the famous chef) are on a journey to becoming parents and that she has been undergoing fertility treatments for over a year: "I'll start with the punch, me, me and Assaf, but I've been undergoing fertility treatments for over a year. It feels good to say that. I thought about it a lot and said not that they don't talk about it online, but they always talk about it in retrospect. It's welcome, everything is welcome, I just didn't want to talk about it in retrospect."

"I already felt like I was hiding something I shouldn't hide, shouldn't be ashamed of, I'm not that different. It's really fun for me to reveal it and talk about it because I can talk to you very openly about things I'm going through, days that I'll say very hormonal, very emotional. There have also been so many things in the past year that have touched me on such sensitive points online. Let's say someone wrote to me that I got fat. I remember she wrote it to me and they left it being rude and not cool in itself, but I look and say 'you have no idea what I'm going through and what I'm not going through', I just wanted to write to her 'Shut up and I'm in therapy'."

Keren Shaham and partner Assaf Granit/Screenshot, Instagram

The content creator went on to share another incident she experienced in the past year, after a follower touched on her sensitive spot: "I was asked what your dream was and I said 'to be a mother' and then someone said 'you didn't want children, what made you change your mind?' and when she said it was hard for me in that moment, how do you say such a thing when I work so hard.'"

"Now that we've opened it, I can say it's very complex, I also had a very bad week this week because of some bad treatment. Some days I'm finished and devastated, and some days I'm just fine. My point is to tell you and tell you about something I'm going through, a very big part of my life in the last year, if not more," she continued.

"You're also welcome to share with me to unpack, I feel like unpacking too. I want us to laugh about it. There are so many things to laugh about about it. And mostly I told myself that I think it will help me a little bit, this whole element of concealment is something that is very burdensome on top of this whole process. I feel like going through it the way I go through it and that doesn't mean that now everything I will do will revolve around it, but also that I will be able to pass it here. In the end, I want us to normalize it, fertility treatments, it's as normal as it gets."

  • More on the subject:
  • Keren Shaham