The Limited Times

Radio audiences: France Inter leader, Europe 1 qui rit and RTL qui pleure

1/11/2024, 6:27:21 PM

Highlights: In November-December, 38.7 million French people listened to the radio every day. An all-time low of 38.1 million listeners was reached in September-October. Those who continue to turn on the radio also listen to it longer: they spend an average of 2 hours and 46 minutes a day on it, 10 minutes more than in the same period a year earlier. With 6.9 million listeners, France Inter once again kept the yellow jersey. The news has been very dense.

In November-December, 38.7 million French people listened to the radio every day.

Radio has fewer and fewer listeners. In November and December, the media was listened to by 38.7 million French people every weekday, 624,000 fewer than a year ago, according to the latest figures from Médiamétrie. The good news, however, is that there are more listeners than in the September-October wave, when an all-time low of 38.1 million listeners was reached.

And those who continue to turn on the radio also listen to it longer: they spend an average of 2 hours and 46 minutes a day on it, 10 minutes more than in the same period a year earlier. Is this just a short-term effect? Between the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the death of a 16-year-old boy stabbed to death during a village festival in Crépol, the COP28 in Dubai, the attack on the Bir-Hakeim bridge and the vote on the immigration law in the National Assembly, the news has been very dense.

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In this context, France Inter once again kept the yellow jersey. With 6.9 million listeners...

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