The Limited Times

The Mayor's Fear of Tapping

1/11/2024, 10:09:02 AM

Highlights: The Mayor's Fear of Tapping was a musical reading at the Knirschvogelhaus in Walpertskirchen. The musical part was played by Dieter Knirsch and his son Quirin Vogel on the piano and Katarina Farbová on the clarinet. Author Peter B. Heim performed amusing short stories, such as the "New Year's Concert", in which a TV viewer is completely fascinated by the musician who plays the piccolo. There was a play with the involvement of the audience, which was to give three notes for Quirin Vogel at the piano, and six arbitrarily chosen terms for reader Vogel.

Status: 11.01.2024, 11:00 a.m.

By: Gerda Gebel

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Not only Vroni Vogel (seated in the middle), but also Katarina Farbová (standing), the pianists Quirin Vogel and Dieter Knirsch (seated, from left) as well as the numerous spectators had a lot of fun at the musical reading. Not pictured: Author Peter B. Heim. © Peter Gebel

Many amusing stories - and the music to go with them - could be heard at the musical reading in the Knirschvogelhaus.

Walpertskirchen – "When the words waltz" was the motto of a musical reading to which Vroni Vogel and Dieter Knirsch had invited in their home and concert hall, the Knirschvogelhaus in Walpertskirchen. As usual, numerous visitors crowded into the hosts' living rooms on seating of all kinds to listen to the self-created texts and pieces of music.

In addition to the journalist Vroni Vogel, Peter B. Heim from Fraunberg, who had already been heard in the Knirschvogelhaus 20 years ago, was also announced as the author. The musical part was played by Dieter Knirsch and his son Quirin Vogel on the piano and Katarina Farbová on the clarinet.

Heim performed amusing short stories, such as the "New Year's Concert", in which a TV viewer is completely fascinated by the musician who plays the piccolo. While he dreams himself into a rapprochement with the flutist, in which he presents her with a bouquet of flowers and then perhaps even dances the Danube Waltz with her, pianist Dieter Knirsch came up with a perfectly timed waltz.

In other thoughtful texts, Heim philosophized about topics such as "the time" or about a paradisiacal landscape with a blooming "cherry avenue", located in the district of Erding, of all places. While a man from Munich was considering settling there in the quasi-Bavarian outback, just before the border with Lower Bavaria, Knirsch took up the topic wonderfully and underlined the image with sounds. Instrumental pieces by clarinet and piano gave the audience the opportunity to reflect on the lyrics they had heard.

A flying change in the author's chair brought Vogel to the start, accompanied by her husband on the piano. While Vogel reported on a barbecue party that got out of hand, Farbová seamlessly took over the verbal suggestions and implemented them on the clarinet. It was a pleasure for the audience to listen to the dialogue, so there was no shortage of applause.

Highly amusing, but also comprehensible, author Vogel described a mayor's fear of failure before the imminent tapping, appropriately underlaid with Bavarian-inspired clarinet sections. It was not only the visitors who had fun here, but also the actors who enjoyed the performance.

As a special gag at the end, there was a play with the involvement of the audience, which was to give three notes for Quirin Vogel at the piano and six arbitrarily chosen terms for reader Vogel. Mother and son wanted to create an impromptu text with music. Everyone was curious to see what the two creative artists would make of it – and they were not disappointed. The young pianist started practically from a standing start with a wonderful improvisation, while his mother wrote down a few key points. She mastered her task to much laughter, which earned both of them a lot of applause.

The journalist also wrapped her thanks to her son in a play on words: "Thank you for the dialogue with your wild mum." As usual in the Knirschvogelhaus, the entertaining event then transitioned into the cozy part, where the artists and the audience end the evening with a chat.

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