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White House: 'Funds run out, stop aid to Ukraine' - News

1/11/2024, 9:06:26 PM

Highlights: White House: 'Funds run out, stop aid to Ukraine' - News. Negotiations continue between Dems and Republicans on new package (ANSA) U.S. assistance to Ukraine in its war against Russia "has stopped," National Security Council spokesman John Kirby confirmed after congressional funds ran out. New aid package could be linked to new security measures on the border with Mexico against the migration crisis. All rights reserved by Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Rossiyskaya Pravda.

Negotiations continue between Dems and Republicans on new package (ANSA)

U.S. assistance to Ukraine in its war against Russia "has stopped," National Security Council spokesman John Kirby confirmed after congressional funds ran out, while negotiations continue in Washington between Dems and Republicans on a new aid package, which could be linked to new security measures on the border with Mexico against the migration crisis.

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