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Competitiveness, von der Leyen thanks Draghi - Breaking news

1/12/2024, 2:46:48 PM

Highlights: Competitiveness, von der Leyen thanks Draghi. "Dear Mario Draghi, thank you for the excellent exchange of views you had today with the Commission on competitiveness," she writes. The President of the EU Commission wrote this on X after the former ECB president's speech at the European executive's seminar. "I am very happy to have had the opportunity to meet with you," she says. "It was a very good exchange," she adds. "Thank you for your kind words"

"Dear Mario Draghi, thank you for the excellent exchange of views you had today with the Commission on competitiveness." (ANSA)

"Dear Mario Draghi, thank you for the excellent exchange of views you had today with the Commission on competitiveness." The President of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, wrote this on X after the former ECB president's speech at the European executive's seminar.

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