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Esther killed with a hunting knife, premeditated murder - Last hour

1/12/2024, 4:19:55 PM

Highlights: Igor Moser used a hunting knife to kill his ex-partner Ester Palmieri. The 45-year-old man hit the 37- year-old with a slash to the neck, severing both the carotid artery and the jugular vein in a single blow. The fact that the man brought the knife from home would support the investigators' thesis that the femicide was premeditated. The knife used in the murder was found by investigators stuck on the same beam used by Moser to take his own life.

Igor Moser used a hunting knife to kill his ex-partner Ester Palmieri. The 45-year-old man hit the 37-year-old with a slash to the neck, severing both the carotid artery and the jugular vein in a single blow. (ANSA)

Igor Moser used a hunting knife to kill his ex-partner Ester Palmieri.
The 45-year-old man hit the 37-year-old with a slash in the neck, severing both the carotid artery and the jugular vein in a single blow. The confirmation - ANSA learns - came from the first findings of the autopsy carried out on the woman's body by the coroner Dario Raniero, on behalf of the Public Prosecutor's Office. The autopsy examination took place at the SantaChiara hospital in Trento.
The fact that the man brought the knife from home would support the investigators' thesis that the femicide was premeditated.
It is not yet clear whether the 37-year-old was shot from the front or shoulders, however it is believed that she was taken by surprise.
Death then occurred due to hemorrhagic shock.
The knife used in the murder was found by investigators stuck on the same beam used by Moser to take his own life.

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