The Limited Times

From a school of rabbits and sea creatures: Four children's books that whet the appetite for spring

1/12/2024, 8:29:24 AM

Highlights: From a school of rabbits and sea creatures: Four children's books that whet the appetite for spring. Four titles that are fun to read or read aloud in January and February 2024. A new version of the bunny school by Anke Engelke. A non-fiction picture book that shows in a colourful way how the sea creatures live. A classic children's book by Margit Auer, "The School of Magical Animals 14: Oh the Devil!" and "The Winterstein School is haunted"

Last updated: 12.01.2024, 09:14 a.m.

By: Sven Trautwein

Immerse yourself in imaginative or thoughtful stories. Four children's books that are fun to read and read aloud.

Numerous new publications in the field of children's books are waiting to be discovered. And hardly anything could be more exciting than retreating to your favorite place to read and moving through adventures with the characters from the stories. One of the books is about the hustle and bustle of everyday family life, where the question of when the room will finally be tidied up has to be clarified. In addition, there is a non-fiction picture book that shows in a colourful way how the sea creatures live, and a modern version of the bunny school by Anke Engelke. These four children's books are fun to read or read aloud.

Children's book highlights in January and February 2024: Four titles that are fun. © Westend61/Imago/Tulipan (Assembly)

Children's books that are fun: Ole Puls "Unfair"

Ole Puls shows how the topic of "justice" can be presented in a child-friendly way in a book with "Unfair", accompanied by illustrations by Paul Trakies. Families with young children know that tidying up becomes a medium-sized problem from time to time. The offspring does not want to clean up the mess and the parents lose patience sooner or later. The book is the perfect companion for a turbulent everyday family life.

Milo thinks that's unfair. He is supposed to tidy up his room on his own and is not allowed to watch TV. In general: everyone else has it somehow better than him. The fact that the others see things differently is shown to him by a farting sleeping sheep that can do magic. Because justice feels different to everyone.


Ole Puls "Unfair"

With illustrations by Paul Trakies

2023 Herder, ISBN-13 978-3-451-71678-2

Price: hardcover 16 €, 32 pages

Almost a classic children's book: Margit Auer "The School of Magical Animals 14: Oh the Devil!"

Already published in the summer of 2023, "The School of Magical Animals 14: Ach du Schreck!" by Margit Auer is almost a must-read in the children's room. Whether read aloud or to discover for yourself, the 14th volume of the series offers a good change from everyday life with its short chapters and exciting characters and stories. The fun of reading is not neglected with this book. The best-selling children's books of 2023 also offer equally exciting reading.

The Winterstein School is haunted! In the middle of the night, the corridors and classrooms crash, rattle and rumble. The janitor trembles with fright and cat Karajan meows softly: "Mondiö!" And then there's the Halloween festivities. The children from Miss Cornfield's class, together with their magical companions, help decorate and prepare and whisper about the question: Who will get a magical animal next?


Margit Auer "The School of Magical Animals 14: Oh my God!"

With illustrations by Nina Dulleck

2023 Carlsen, ISBN-13 978-3-551-65364-2

Price: 14 €, 240 pages

Fresh children's book version: Anke Engelke "The New Bunny School"

Modernism meets nostalgia in the updated version of Bunny School. The well-known actress Anke Engelke brings a breath of fresh air into the story through her reinterpretation and rhyming skills. Not only does she question traditional role models, but she also manages to put an end to the old enmity between hare and fox. Mareike Ammersken, the illustrator, presents the bunny school in a new look with her emotional and atmospheric drawings. Children from the age of four learn how exciting it is to make new friends: because being together not only makes you strong, but also smart! This story is ideal to read aloud to the whole family. You can read here how to make reading aloud more exciting.

Nowadays, in bunny school, there are not only little rabbits in the classroom, but also a fox child. A fox – really? Rabbit girl Hoppich didn't expect that at all. It quickly becomes clear to her and her classmates: A fox cub that unwraps carrots as a snack during breaks is not a danger! It threatens from a completely different side and fox and hare can only master the difficult situation together ...


Anke Engelke "The New Bunny School"

With illustrations by Mareike Ammersken

2024 Thienemann, ISBN-13 978-3-480-23838-5

Price: available for pre-order, 14 €, 40 pages

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Children's non-fiction: Constanze Guhr "The Incredible Wonders of the Sea"

How do sea creatures live? Not only the ones you find on the beach, but also the other creatures, such as the octopus or the blue whale. What is it like to live at a depth of 6,000 meters? Constanze Guhr imparts the knowledge in the non-fiction picture book she illustrated herself. The book is suitable for all little explorers and explorers.

Everyone has found them on holiday at the Baltic or North Sea: mussels, jellyfish, starfish. But there are many more wonders to discover in the oceans of this world. In her new non-fiction picture book, Constanze Guhr dives with the reader down into the depths of the oceans and brings us closer to the breathtaking world of underwater inhabitants.


Constanze Guhr "The Incredible Wonders of the Sea"

2024 Tulipan, ISBN-13 978-3-86429-617-8

Price: Thread stitching 16 €, 40 pages

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