The Limited Times

The spread between BTPs and German Bunds closes down at 154.3 points - Last hour

1/12/2024, 5:27:59 PM

Highlights: The spread between BTPs and German Bunds closes down at 154.3 points - Last hour. Italy's annual yield fell 7.4 points to 3.72% versus 5 points lower than Germany's yield to 2.18%. The differential between ten-year B TPs and Bunds closed down at154.3points, compared to 156 marked on the eve and 155 at today's opening. The gap between Italy's and Germany's 10-year bond yields closed at 2.2% on Monday.

The differential between ten-year BTPs and Bunds closed down at 154.3 points, compared to 156 marked on the eve and 155 at today's opening. (ANSA)

The differential between ten-year BTPs and Bunds closed down at 154.3 points, compared to 156 marked on the eve and 155 at today's opening. Italy's annual yield fell 7.4 points to 3.72% versus 5 points lower than Germany's yield to 2.18%

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