The Limited Times

'Personality' instead of 'productivity': Gen Z worker goes viral on TikTok

1/13/2024, 9:07:01 AM

Highlights: 'Personality' instead of 'productivity': Gen Z worker goes viral on TikTok. She considers the good mood in the workplace to be more important than productivity. Her video has already been played over 870,000 times on the social media site. The majority of users – mostly of the same age – support Mortel with their views. But some are skeptical about the topic: "It's going to be so crazy if Gen Z leads the companies one day," writes one woman.

Status: 13.01.2024, 09:52 a.m.

By: Marco Blanco Ucles

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An American woman is causing a stir on TikTok. She considers the good mood in the workplace to be more important than productivity.

Poor climate in the workplace, for which there are several signs, occurs in many companies. In the companies, different generations often meet with different conceptions of the job. The younger generation in particular – the so-called Gen Z – seems to be of the opinion that, in addition to performance, the good atmosphere at work is just as important. At least if you believe 22-year-old Bella Rose Mortel. The Corporate America employee sees herself as the "Chief Vibes Officer" – the boss of the good mood, so to speak. "Personality takes precedence over productivity".

TikTok clips about the good mood in the workplace go viral

The social media expert told Business Insider that her boss at software company Beehiiv said to her in a team meeting: "Before we start, Bella Rose, do you want to set the mood for our meeting today?" All of her previous superiors have appreciated her special energy so far, explains Mortel.

For people like Mortel, a term has already been invented: "personality hire". This means that some employees provide all the jokes, jokes and playfulness needed to improve the mood in the workplace. At least that's how the New York Post describes it.

Under Mortel's video on TikTok, which has already been played over 870,000 times, there are numerous comments that agree with the young woman. One viewer writes: "I've come to terms with the fact that I was hired to spread energy and that being a personality is really fun. I love to lighten the mood." Another says: "I agree with you! People are too serious."

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Other users seem to be a little more skeptical about the topic: "It's going to be so crazy if Gen Z leads the companies one day," writes one woman. Another TikTok user wonders how this work attitude is doing for the company's success: "Fun meetings don't pay bills, or am I wrong?" However, the majority of users – mostly of the same age – support Mortel with their views.

Most recently, another young woman also inspired people on TikTok - with an ingenious trick for the home office.