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European elections: Schlein, my choice regardless of Meloni's - News

1/13/2024, 8:37:23 AM

Highlights: "First comes the project of the Europe we want, then will come the lists, which are first and foremost a team," he says. "The right is divided, they are better at hiding divisions but, when it comes to power, the divisions come out again and then they quarrel over candidacies," he adds. "We can do this if we agree on priorities," says the Pd leader. "I am committed to building a team that represents our idea of Europe," he concludes.

'It is the last of the evaluations, first comes the project of the Europe we want' (ANSA)

The decision to run for the European elections "is independent of the evaluations of other leaders and other forces. But I have always said that it is the last of the evaluations, first comes the project of the Europe we want." This was said by Pd secretary Elly Schlein at Agora, on Rai Tre, responding to those who asked her if her possible candidacy is linked to that of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

"First comes the project of the Europe we want, then will come the lists, which are first and foremost a team. I am committed to building a team that represents our idea of Europe."

"In this region," Abruzzo, "we have built a coalition that brings together all the alternative forces to the right, with a solid candidacy. We can do this if we agree on priorities. The right is divided, they are better at hiding divisions but, when it comes to power, the divisions come out again and then they quarrel over candidacies," said the PD secretary about the regional elections.

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