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Ice: European Short Track Championships in the name of Italy - Other Sports

1/13/2024, 5:58:17 PM

Highlights: Italy dominates at the European Short Track Championships in Gdansk. On the second day of the continental event in Poland, the Azzurri win four medals, three golds and a silver. Pietro Sighel is the real star of this Saturday in Italian colours. The 24-year-old from Trentino of the Fiamme Gialle confirms the title in the 500 meters and is also crowned European champion in the 1,500 meters. The only regret of the day came in the final stretch of the semi-final of the men's relay, with Italy finishing third.

Third gold of the day for Italy, and second personal for Pietro Sighel, at the European Short Track Championships on the ice ring of Hala Olivia in Gdansk. (ANSA)

Italy dominates at the European Short Track Championships in Gdansk: on the second day of the continental event in Poland, the Azzurri win four medals, three golds and a silver. Pietro Sighel is the real star of this Saturday in Italian colours. The 24-year-old from Trentino of the Fiamme Gialle confirms the title in the 500 meters and is also crowned European champion in the 1,500 meters, leaving only crumbs to his opponents.

Amazing performances for the Italian champion: on "his" 500 Sighel wins both in the quarter-finals and in the semi-finals and then completes the masterpiece in Final A. Third after the start, the Italian makes a splendid double overtaking first at the expense of the Polish Sellier, then, on the penultimate lap, of the Dutch Boer, closing the race in control.

The final of the 1,500 meters was even more spectacular with Sighel, in third position, able to turn on the outside in the last corner and overtake the Dutch pair Emons and De Laat in the momentum, imposing himself at the photo finish by 3 hundredths of a second. The Trentino talent now boasts five individual medals at the European Championships, three of which are of the finest metal.

Italy is also celebrating in the women's category: the policewomen Elisa Confortola and Gloria Ioriatti are respectively European champion and vice-champion in the 1,500 meters. Fantastic Italian double on the ice of the Hala Olivia in Gdansk. Confortola and Ioriatti were at first very good at completing a great qualification path up to Final A, then they managed the progress of the last act of the race with intelligence and shrewdness, taking advantage of the falls of the opponents in the lead and being ready at the right time.

The only regret of the day came in the final stretch of the semi-final of the men's relay, where Pietro Sighel was mocked at the photo finish with Italy finishing third and, therefore, in Final B. The women's quartet formed by Betti, Confortola, Katia Filippi and Ioriatti, thanks to the second position behind the Netherlands, will face Poland, France and the orange tomorrow in Final A. On Sunday, on the third and final day of competitions, the 1000-meter trials are scheduled as well as the finals of the relays.

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