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Manoeuvre: resources for local authorities decrease, spending effect - Last hour

1/13/2024, 1:48:26 PM

Highlights: The resources entrusted, in the form of direct management, to local authorities since the last budget law amount to almost 1.4 billion. A figure that is already lower than that of previous maneuvers. Almost three-quarters of the total amount is absorbed by immigration and infrastructure. At the bottom of the list is security, with an allocation of just 250 thousand euros, compared to 20 million in 2023 for measures related to this area. The analysis was conducted by the Centre for Local Authorities Studies.

The resources entrusted, in the form of direct management, to local authorities since the last budget law amount to almost 1.4 billion. (ANSA)

The resources entrusted to local authorities in the form of direct management since the last budget law amount to almost 1.4 billion. A figure that is already lower than that of previous maneuvers (about 1.6 billion in 2023 and 2 billion in 2022), but which drops further to about 1.1 billion if we subtract the 299 million cuts applied by the same law to transfers intended for municipalities, metropolitan cities and provinces. This is what emerges from an analysis conducted by the Centre for Local Authorities Studies.
"As highlighted by Anci, after a seven-year hiatus, the spectre of the spending review has officially reappeared in the world of municipalities. A reversal of course that adds to the challenge represented by the expected inflationary effect on service contracts that will expire later this year and which are unlikely to be renewed under the conditions set before the energy crisis," the analysis points out.
The analysis shows that almost three-quarters of the total amount is absorbed by immigration and infrastructure. There are also still resources for the effect of the pandemic crisis, for entities in financial crisis, sports, education. At the bottom of the list is security, with an allocation of just 250 thousand euros, compared to 20 million in 2023 for measures related to this area.

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