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Middle East, 100 days of war. Netanyahu: 'No one will stop us' - Middle East

1/13/2024, 11:17:33 PM

Highlights: Middle East, 100 days of war. Netanyahu: 'No one will stop us' - Middle East. Hamas: '60 dead at night' WSJ: 'Israel plans an operation on the border between Egypt and Gaza' (ANSA). One hundred days ofwar between Hamas and Israel in Gaza. Beginning with the massacre in the kibbutzim on 7 October, the conflict is currently unhindered of any possible truce. Despite the negotiations, sponsored by Qatar, Egypt and the United States, after the humanitarian pause at the end of November, the negotiations appear to be stalled.

Hamas: '60 dead at night'. WSJ: 'Israel plans an operation on the border between Egypt and Gaza' (ANSA)

One hundred days of war between Hamas and Israel in Gaza. Beginning with the massacre in the kibbutzim on 7 October, the conflict is currently unhindered of any possible truce.

Benyamin Netanyahu is clear: "No one will stop us, not even The Hague or the axis of evil" and Israel will not make "compromises" (such as a ceasefire) except with "total victory" in the battle against Hamas.

The prime minister warned that the war will continue until "all objectives" are achieved and in fact the raids continue heavy on the strip with Hamas reporting 60 dead last night alone.

Despite the negotiations, sponsored by Qatar, Egypt and the United States, after the humanitarian pause at the end of November and as many as 4 diplomatic shuttles by Secretary of State Antony Blinken in the region, the negotiations appear to be stalled and also concern the fate of the Strip atthe end of the war, with America at odds with Israel.

Middle East, 100 days of war - Primopiano -

The military camp therefore prevails, where Israel continues to hammer with air raids, especially in central and southern Gaza, after having made the northern part of the Palestinian enclave relatively safe. The Hamas-run Ministry of Health has updated the death toll in the Gaza Strip to more than 23,<>. Israel is not stopping and, according to what was noted by the Wall Street Journal but denied by Egyptian sources, it has warned Cairo that it is planning military action to control the southern part of Gaza on the border with Egypt and the Rafah crossing. But above all, the so-called 'Philadelphia Corridor', a strip of buffer land between Gaza and Egypt under which there are numerous tunnels built by Hamas and from which Israel fears the leaders of the Islamic faction may emerge, starting with Yahya Sinwar. Egypt, however, makes it clear that it has not endorsed any such operation.

In 100 days, the conflict has spread, fortunately without exploding, in northern Israel, a real second war front, where rockets continue to arrive from Hezbollah's Lebanon, followed by the Israeli response. And the fire reached the Red Sea with assaults on Israeli ships, and not only, by the Houthis of Yemen, allies of Iran such as Hezbollah, with missiles launched towards the city of Eilat, the southern tip of Israel. Too much for the U.S. and the United Kingdom, which on Friday night and again today bombed the Houthi missile bases in the country on the Arabian Peninsula.

ANSA Agency Houthi still in the crosshairs, new US raids in Yemen - World - The pro-Iran group: 'No significant damage, we will continue to prevent ship traffic'. Shiite militias release a video simulating a raid on an Israeli village. (ANSA)

And let's not forget the West Bank: between Hamas, which has more and more power to the detriment of President Abu Mazen, the actions of extremist settlers, Palestinian attacks and army raids, tensions and deaths continue to rise. The 100-day war in Gaza, the UN admitted in reference to the dramatic humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, is "a stain on our common humanity".

But those 100 days are also the length of time spent in Gaza by the more than 130 Israeli hostages still held by Hamas. There was a brief truce for the release of the hostages, but in their name the conflict is not unblocked. Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi gave the most precise picture: "To achieve concrete results" for the hostages "the operation in Gaza must continue". A ceasefire, he explained, "probably won't lead to tangible results." Qatar's latest proposal was the release of the abductees in stages, the simultaneous withdrawal of Israel from the Strip and exile for Hamas leaders. The mediation was rejected by the Islamist faction and dropped by Israel. Egypt is still trying to find out about the hostages: an Israeli delegation has been in Cairo in an attempt to unblock the matter. The CIA has also entered the fray and is providing Israel with information on the whereabouts of the hostages in Gaza and the leaders of Hamas.

ANSA Agency Israel in The Hague: 'Acts of genocide were against us' - News - The defense: 'South Africa's accusation is completely distorted, without evidence' (ANSA)

Video Gaza, rubble and casualties after Israeli attack on Rafah

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